Prologue-New Game+

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[item] :Gamer system
" Fuck off! " :Talking
I hate my life :thoughts
(Hey it's me the author!)

First pov

I open my eyes to see a black empty void instead of my apartment, I try to move and look around only to realise I have no body, I began to freak out. Where the hell I am? I then here a voice speak to me. " You are in my realm, my dear " I began to freak out even more. What the hell do you mean "your realm, number two who hell you and number three how are you hearing my thoughts right now?!

The voice then replied with " Right I should probably show and introduce myself to you maybe then will you down claim " Sure Suddenly a bright light appears and begins to morph into that of a human, when the light finally died down a woman with darkskin, red eyes and silver hair stood in front of me.

The voice then replied with " Right I should probably show and introduce myself to you maybe then will you down claim " Sure Suddenly a bright light appears and begins to morph into that of a human, when the light finally died down a woman with da...

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(With out the bunny ears)
She looked at me with with a seductive smile and then began to speak.  "Hello my name is Alexis for the time being " For the time being? What do you mean by that? She then started walkin over to me and as she got closer, I see that she's really tall, like taller then me, she finally make it over, and stands right in front of me, forcing me to slightly look up to see her face.
(The Mc before reincarnation is 6,2
Aj is 6,7)

" It's nothing my dear but let's get back on track and let me answer some of your questions number one you have unfortunately died in your sleep, number two I'm one of the goddess that watch over your universe and last one your my in realm so I should be allowed to do anything I want in my realm right? "

It took me a second to register what just said. W-Wait you mean I'm really dead? She looked at me with a small frown " Yes you have unfortunately died " I began to freak out for before I remember something or rather someone. Wait what about my older sister is she alright is okay? " Your sister is okay sad but okay " I nodded with a smile happy that my big sister was going to be alright I then look back up to her.

So is the p- " No your death was an accident and with it being an accident I will reincarnation you into a world and you also will have four wishes "I look at her suprised. Wait really? " Yes but there's two rules you have to follow " okay what are they? " the first one is you cannot wish for more wishes and the second one is you can't wish for the wishing rules to not applie to you or for them to not exist do you understand? " Yup .

So what world I'm going to? " Your going to cyberpunk 2077 " Why? " It was the last game you played " I understand "So now your four wishes " wait I have a question about the world " Oh what is your question I'll be happy to answer them " will anything change with me in the world? " Yes if you decide to do something. " I see thank you for answering my question " Your welcome now your four wishes " Right my first wish is have the gamer ability my sec- " Actually you already have the gamer ability " Wait really

[On Hold] New Game+ (Cyberpunk 2077 X Male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя