Chapter One _ The Arrival

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|| A/N Read the description first :)) ||

"And Last but not least.... Zim" Everyone Gasps and looks at each other, A small Alien walks Right in front of his leaders and Salutes them, Purple smiled and opened his mouth but was interrupted by his partner... "Well Zim, You will be in charge of conquering The planet Earth" Said Red "M- My tallest may I say something?" the tallest Look at each other and nod, The small alien Smiled and started Talking " Well... I just want to say thank you for giving me another chance... You guys could've just banned me to foodtopia, but-" "Don't mention it Zim... Everyone makes mistakes" Said Purple "But I almost Killed everyone" The Tallest look at each other and gave Zim a warm smile "that's why we sent you back to training"

The rest of the Irkens Smiled and Clapped, "Alright that's Enough of that" Said Red as he put his Hand In front of the crowd as a motion to quiet down, Then the Tallest gave each Invader a SIR Unit When It was Zim's Turn They smiled sweetly and gave him a robot that looked exactly like A SIR Unit except that It's eyes where Blue, Zim Looked at the Robot on his Hands "Hello" He said with a quiet voice "This Is GIR, He somehow has emotions unlike the SIR's... He will make sure you are safe and under control" Said Purple, Zim nodded and walked to his assigned Ship

The Irkens were Unaware Of a 12 year old Human Boy listening to their whole conversation, Dib covered his mouth and Gave a Squeal of excitement, He quickly but carefully Got down from his own rooftop and Ran to the Kitchen where he found his little sister and His father, "Gaz!! GAZ!!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!!! AN ALIEN IS COMING TO EARTH!!!" Screamed Dib out off excitement "You're right Dib, I don't believe it... Now get out of my face before I punch you" Said Gaz in a annoyed voice, Dib didn't want to test his Sister's limits so he just walked away slowly and then looked at his Dad With the same expression He gave Gaz "Dad!! An alien-" "Not now son... I am making... TOAST" said Dr.Membrane As he lifted Toast into the air as if It was an invention, Dib's Smile Turned into a frown and His eyes began watering, He quickly stopped himself and walked to his room... the Aliens were Mostly Talking a Weird language He assumed was their native language, All he could understand was 'Conquering, Planet earth, and Thank you' He mouthed those words as if they where holding a secret code

Zim was in his Ship on his way to Earth, Gir was singing and Humming an Irken lullaby, Zim Smiled and pulled out a book he found in Irk about The planet earth Just so that he could be ready for any danger when he got there, Dib waited patiently For the Alien to come, every night He looked through the window just to see if he could find any UFO'S But on the 4th month he gave up and thought that the alien wasn't going to show up and he misunderstood everything....

Zim arrived on earth after 6 months in space, He disguised himself as a 12 year old, His green Skin turned Pale and white, A black wig covered his antennas, the Contact lenses made sure his Hot pink eyes were well hidden, His Three pointy Fingers where replaced by 5 roundish in each of his hands, Zim looked at himself and Smiled... He looked at GIR "Ok your turn" He said setting GIR's disguise "I wanna be a mongoose" Zim giggled and looked at his book for any Mongoose "Well Mongoose aren't really common as pets, You can be a dog" "Can I be a mongoose dog?"

Zim laughed quietly "Sure" He looked at his tablet and stopped when he saw a green and black small dog costume, Zim picked it because he thought it Matched GIR's personality, as soon as the where both in disguise Zim sketched a small house That looked exactly like the ones next to him, Then the House automatically build its self, most of the neighborhood heard the racquet and ran or looked outside, "H-Hello new neighbors... My name is Zim... And Uhm, This is My pet Gir... I Hope we can get along" after that Zim ran into his house and explored it, He then realized he needed 'Parents' He ran to an elevator that took him straight to his lab, He started Building as he came up with a Family Name "Mr and Mrs ... Vazquez?" Zim Smiled to himself "Yeah... That sounds right"

Zim woke Up in his lab and looked at the already finished Robot parents and turned them on, He gave them a test and once he saw that they worked perfectly he walked to a building with them and with GIR on a leash "Hello! We are Here to enroll our Precious boy Zim to your school" Said Mrs. Vazquez as she looked at the Office Lady, "Mhm yes..." Said the Office lady unamused as she gave them paperwork to sign, The Robo- Parents Finished the Paperwork in a matter of seconds, The Office lady looked at the Parents with awe, And then Looked at Zim who just gave a small and innocent smile, "Well then... Welcome to skool my boy, You can start tomorrow" , Zim Smiled and Nodded, He grabbed His Father's hand and holded GIR's leash with the other, " Have a Nice day" Said Zim as he walked off,

"I have arrived My Tallest" Said Zim as he looked at the big screen, The Tallest looked at each other and Nod "Great Job Zim, Now I hope the humans don't see right through you" Said Purple as he munched on some doughnuts, "Don't worry My Tallest, I made sure To study everything I have to know about humans, so I will fit right in" Said Zim Saluting his leaders

" Very well Zim... Good luck..."

-Call ended-

A/N - I am sorry this is short I swear I will Make the Chapters Longer after this •^• Thank you for reading, and if you don't mind... Can you follow me? Or at least just Vote , Thank you so much It means a lot to me, Bye~

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