Prologue: The New Arrivals

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(A/N: This is a reupload because Wattpad, decided to delete my last story for no reason. So now I'm typing on a google doc and transferring it to Wattpad before I post. That way the story stays the same. I already did this with the prologue and most of chapter one, but sadly I lost all of chapter two my draft of chapter three and Penny's character bio. And I don't remember Penny's father's name so I'm changing it. Anyway to old fan welcome back to newcomers hope you enjoy!)

It was breakfast time and Harry, Scarlet and Ron were talking about yesterday's quidditch match which was Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw won and will be going against Gryffindor next. Penny, you, the Weasley twins, and Lee Jordan were planning your next prank, and Hermione was reading. There was a flash of light by the High Table, a note and a stack of seven books appeared next to Dumbledore. A murmur spread through the hall as Dumbledore read the note. His eyes widened and the hall watched him intently. He stood up going unnoticed to the students whose attention was now on the stack of books on the table. "May I have your attention," he said. Everyone's attention darted back to the headmaster. "Is it weird that I want to read those books?" you and Penny whispered in unison. "For most people, yes-," Fred replied. "For you two no," George finished. Dumbledore continued, "I have here this note which says,

Dear Hogwarts (and guests),

You are probably very curious about the stack of seven books that have just shown up next to the headmaster. Allow us to explain. These books are about the seven years that Harry James Potter, Hermione Jean Granger, Scarlet Smith, Penelope Ariana Johnson, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), and Ronald Billius Weasley spent at Hogwarts. These books will explain both the past and the future and they only speak the TRUTH because: We must not tell lies. These will also prevent many deaths. Some others will join you.

The Next Generation

P.s. Ask the previously mentioned people for their consent before reading the books. (Majority Rules) Time will also be frozen until you finish all seven books if you chose to do so. Any muggle repelling charms will also be removed from the entire castle.

Another flash of light. Everyone looked toward the source and saw Charlie, Molly, Arthur, Bill, and Percy Weasley. Cornelius Fudge, Amelia Bones, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Remus Lupin, a black dog, Nymphadora Tonks, Oliver Wood, and Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy appear. They looked around confused. Another flash. Lily and James Potter appeared. "Mum? Dad!?" Harry says. He runs up to them and hugs his parents for the first time in his life. "Harry?" James said. "Why are you so big?" Lily asked. "Mum, dad it's 2017," Harry replied. "What! How?" Lily and James said in unison. Before Harry can explain there's another flash. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson, Happy, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, James Barnes, Pepper Potts, and Steve Rogers appear. "Guys!?" Penny says. "Penny!? Where are we?" Tony asks looking around. "At my school," Penny replies cheerfully. Another flash! This time a group of 9 skeletons appears. "Mom, dad!" PJ yells before both he and (Y/N) run-up to a skeleton with a giant paintbrush and ink on his cheek uuurrr...... bone? Yeah, his cheekbone. Harry and Scarlet recognized him and the glitchy skeleton as Ink and Error, PJ, and (Y/N)'s parents. (Y/N) is adopted.) The only problem is they are humans, not skeletons. "Uuummm can I take this off?" PJ asks pointing at the charm bracelet he always wears. "Where are we?" a skeleton covered in black and dark cyan goop with four tentacles then said. "At our school," PJ replies, "Can I take this off?" "Sure," skeleton Error said. PJ takes off the bracelet revealing that he too is a skeleton. Cue the gasps. "Oh no," (Y/N) says. "What is it?" Penny asks curiously. "My worse nightmare has come true," (Y/N) starts to explain, "These six are officially meeting." She points to Fred, George, and Lee as well as the skeleton with his hood up covered in dust, the skeleton with a hole in his skull, and the skeleton with black stuff leaking from his eyes and a target in front of his ribcage. "Oh god," PJ then says, "Why!?" "Wait a minute, Fred and George said in unison piecing something together, "Are you, three pranksters?" "Yeah," Target skeleton said. "Oh no," everyone who knew the twins and Lee groaned. (Except Dumbledore) "There the pranksters of the school," PJ explains to the confused skeletons and Avengers. Cue more groans. "Wait why are we here?" Dumbledore reads the note aloud again. "So do you guys give your consent?" PJ asks. You, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Penny, and Scarlet look at each other having a silent conversation. 'I think we should' Harry, Ron and Scarlet, "say". 'Same' both Penny and Hermione 'respond.' "We give our consent," they all say out loud this time. All eyes were on you, but those that knew you well already knew what you were going to say. "I do not give my consent." you said looking around and realizing that everyone looked shocked, "Did you really think I was going to say yes? Most of you know I have trust issues." "Well it says majority rules," Penny piped in, "And I think some introductions need to be made," she added eyeing the skeletons and noticing people looking at the Avengers in confusion. She then starts saying all of their names while pointing to each member, " This is Tony, Happy, Pepper, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Sam, and Bucky. A.k.a Iron Man, Captain America, Hawk Eye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier. Harry did a double-take but there was still an Avenger missing, "Where's Trickshot?" he asked looking at Penny. She smiled "You're looking at her." "Well that explains a lot," Scarlet said, "Your archery skills, your quick-thinking, how calm you are in life or death situations," she whispered the last part. "Ok, so Harry and Scarlet already know and , PJ's parents," you said gesturing to Ink and Error, "So the guy with his hood up that's Dust, the guy with the crack in his skull is Horror, the guy with the target in front of his chest is Killer, the guy with the white jacket is Cross, goopy skeleton octopus is Nootmare-" "(Y/N)!!!" " Sorry had to," she replied nonchalantly before continuing introductions, "Any way that's Nightmare, but some of us call him Nootmare to annoy him, the guy wearing yellow is Nightmare's little brother Dream, and the cute guy wearing blue that's Blueberry, but we call him Blue." "So shall we begin?" Dumbledore asked. " Can we agree that all misdeeds done by underaged witches or wizards go unpunished as they either happened years ago or have not happened yet?" Scarlet asked hopefully. " Yes that seems fair, " Dumbledore replied, picking up the first book. The golden group sighed in relief.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"

Reading the Harry Potter books (A HP, Avengers and Sans AUs crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora