Chapter 1

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Marinette smiled as she listened to the sound of birds chirping. She had taken off her headphones when she finished writing her new song, a song that wouldn't be released.

Music was always a part of her life, even though she had stopped using her magic and focused her magical abilities on another medium, it was a part of her and always would be.

Marinette smiled as she saw that she got a message from her Aunt Sabine. Her real mother had died when she was younger and her father had died a few years prior. The world of magic had just gotten too much for her and she had left it all behind.

Her mother was half Chinese and Japanese, and her father was Japanese. Her ancestors had traveled to different dimensions. Marinette was born in Melody, another dimension. Her Aunt Sabine had stayed on Earth after meeting her Uncle Tom.

Marinette decided to stay with them after finding Roxy. She had changed her name and hadn't transformed for three years. The stress and loss of fairies and Specialists scared her and she no longer wanted to always feel in danger. While she did miss her friends, they were always with her in her thoughts.

Christmas, she would think of Bloom. Stella when she was picking out an outfit and so on. Marinette replied to the text, saying she would be home in half an hour.

But it didn't help when she was miraculous. For two years, they were in battle, death, and destruction that disappeared as more magic redid the cruel work. Off and on, until one day it was over and Hawkmoth was revealed as Gabriel Agreste, her loved one's father.

The twenty-year-old put on her headphones again after choosing a new song to listen to and walked back to the bakery. The park beside her house was too crowded with a fair going on and all sorts of families going to visit.

As the end of her song came, her phone rang, and Alya's face popped up on the caller's I.D. "Hello, Alya," Marinette said as she accepted the call. "Marinette, can you make it to the festival by the bakery? I know you said you were busy making a costume for Fang but it's almost over and I wanted to spend some time with you," Alya said.

Marinette giggled. "My mom called a little bit ago telling me to come home. I can ask if you want but I could only stay for a little bit," Marinette replied.

"That's a great girl. And guess what! I saw Adrien here too with Nino. They haven't seen me yet but this is a great chance to talk to him," Alya said.

"Let's see if I can even go first. Bye, oh and by the way, tell you Aunt Lulu I said hi," Marinette said.

"Aunt-" Alya stopped, "I don't know how you do it. She's calling right now. See you later, hopefully. Bye," Alya said.

"Bye, Als," Marinette smiled and with a simple push, ended the call.

Marinette smiled as she thought of Adrien. Adrien Agreste was a super famous model who had a heart full of gold and knew precisely how to make her swoon. Marinette hated how some girls just thought about him because he was famous or rich and she hated how Adrien thought he wasn't worthy of love because of his stupid (yet talented) father. They had spent three years being friends and last week it became known to both of them that they had both liked each other. Still, they weren't together yet.

They didn't want to make anything official... yet, but she could see everything with him. The wedding, love, the kids, the home and she couldn't wait. They were entering college the next year, both going to the same college for the same and different subjects.

Marinette stopped as the wind blew, a sudden chill running down her spine. While she didn't use her power outright, she could still tell something was wrong by the wave frequencies she was getting.

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