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Gabriel carefully hooked his hands under my knees, gently dragging me closer before he cupped my cheeks in his large and warm palms.

"Baby girl, I want you to be mine." Gabriel's deep and calm voice declared, his words prompting my heart to sharply skip a beat, but also leaving me slightly confused.

"Yo..Yours?... Like, your girlfriend?" I shakily and hesitantly asked, so scared that I could be wrong.

Did Gabriel really finally want to make it official with me?

"Yes baby." Gabriel lightly chuckled out as his dark eyes bore into my grey ones.

"Me? Why?" I asked again, every part of my body now jittery.

I didn't even know why I was asking all these questions instead of just quickly grabbing this opportunity before he could change his mind.

But I knew what I really wanted was some sort of reassurance, to hear how he really felt about me.

"Why?" Gabriel repeated before he placed his forehead against mine.

"Because I'm fucking head over heels for you." He confessed, answering the question.

And as soon as those words left his mouth I felt a sudden thud in my chest as my core clenched and lightly throbbed.

No one had ever told me that they like me, well certainly not in the way Gabriel had said it.

"What do you say Princess?" Gabriel nudged, his voice now taking on a light pleading tone.

I hurriedly nodded my head, not even waiting for his next sentence.

"Yes, yes, I'll be yours." I almost cried out in pure rapture.

I could only have dreamt of such a beautiful moment. Since I first laid eyes on Gabriel, all I truly wanted was to be his and today was the day when it finally came true.

As I gazed at Gabriel's whole face, I swear I saw a flash of an undecipherable emotion flicker through them.

And though I couldn't tell what it was, the intensity of it evoked a shiver to run up my spine.

"You belong to me now." Gabriel rumbled out as his lips curved into his famous heart melting smile.

My head moved to nod in affirmation of what he had said, the way he had uttered those words as if I was signing a life binding contract or even making a covenant.

"I want to kiss you." Gabriel's now husky voice breathed out as he ran his tongue across his bottom lip.

The declaration causing my heart to speed up in both anxiety yet excitement.

"I.. I've never... I don't know how to..." My eyes lowered themselves as I bashfully admitted out with quivering lips and a thundering heart.

"I'll teach you." Was all Gabriel whispered out before he gently took hold my chin and descended his lips onto mine.

When I finally felt his lips on mine for the first time, I could only describe it as a fulfillment of one of my heart's deepest longing.

I felt his lips begin to slowly move against mine, but I remained completely still, not just because it felt like I was melting into him but also because I didn't know what to do.

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