Blood-Sucking Friends

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Before I could throw the fire, I was tackled from behind. As I struggled on the ground, I saw my siblings being picked up and carried by the two men who attacked us. My face was being pressed roughly in to the dirt so I couldn't see who was holding me down.

I reached out mentally to my brother and sister,praying that Ashlynne had the good sence to keep her ability on. "Can you guys hear me?" Immediately, i felt my siblings fear. They cries were colliding together, their fear overpowering their senses. " mom... Lex!" When I heard die like mom, I knew I had to get them away from these new vampires.

"Ash, throw them off and run!" I saw rather than heard Ashlynne. In her mind, I saw images, blurry and confusing. I realized what was happening. They were moving too quickly for Ashlynne to get a firm grip on anything. Her telekenisis wasn't working. I was lost. I have to save them... but how? What can I do... were outnumbered, outskilled...

Thoses thoughts cut off as the arms holding me down began to lift me. For the first time in three and a half months, panic filled my mind, cutting off all my common sense. As my feet left the ground, I thrashed around, screaming in defiance. I heard my sibling in my head, terrified. They could hear my screams and were begging to know if I was okay.

I couldn't answer them, the only thing going through my mind were pleas the our Guardian Angel.

"Oh god, mom please, please mom if you can hear me, help, help me safe them, help me get us out of here, please momma!" But, of course, there was no answer.

The vampire, who i could now make out as a blonde boy about 20, tossed me around as if I weighed nothing. He began walking, carrying me under his arm like a disobedient toddler. As I continued to struggle, I realized that this hold was not only humiliating, but impossible to break. My mind raced, thoughts stumbling over each other as I tried to figure out how to escape. My power. I needed to use my power.

Fire? No, I don't have a clear shot.

Air? No, his grip on me is too tight.

Water? No, he'll wak right through it.

Out of ideas, I decided I had one chance. I had to throw a hail mary. I knew that what I was about to do would anger the man, but it would hopefully distract him enough to let go of me, just for a fraction of a second.A fraction of a second was all I needed.

I silently willed the power of earth to come to me. I felt the pressure building around me, like a rubber band stretched back as far as possible, ready to fly.Using everything I had, i hurled every rock and boulder, stick and tree, every piece of dirt and grass towards the vampires face, all at once. he didn't relese me, but his grip loosened as he stumbled back. He clearly had not expected someone as small as me to have so much power.

I pulled from his arms and began running faster than I ever had before after my sibling's scent. I heard him persuing me, but knew he wouldn't catch me. No one ever caught me.Mentally, I screamed to my siblings that I was coming. "Distract the men holding you! I don't want them to hear me coming!"

In the distance, I heard my siblings screaming and making as much noise as possible. As I came up right behind them, the men carrying my siblings turned. I mentally shouted to my siblings, "push backwards!" As they did what I said, I lunged at the men's legs, causing them to fall to the ground.I landed hard on my stomache.

Looking up, I noticed a huge house was in front of us. I faintly wondered who lived there before shaking that thought off. There was no time for distractions. I picked up Chris by the waist and held him against me with one arm. 1/73 of a second later, I was reaching for Ashlynne, hauling her off the ground by her upper arm and pulling her with me.

As I turned to run with them, the man who had tackled me caught up to us. Before I had any time to react, he slammed in to me from the side. With my tight grip on Ash and Chris, all three of us went flying.I reacted instantly, calling forth the air to hold us up, but then the man with scars on his arms hit us mid-air, with a very calculated and practiced move.

We were all propelled in to the house, windows shattering around us. Immediately after hitting the ground, I flashed back to my feet and prepared fpr battle. I must have looked ridiculous, a 4 foot eight inch 12 year old, ready to take on three vampires all stronger and bigger than me.Brushing off my doubts, I pushed Ashlynne and Chris behind me, taking in my surroundings.

We had landed in a large living room, shattering the windows, a vase, a large screen tv, and a center table upon impact.I looked up and my heart dropped. The three vampires that attacked us were back... with five other blood-sucking friends.

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