Chapter 8: A contract

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     //   A desperate plea best left unheard
             Then my contrived goodbye
                 A poet's pantomime
                     A drunken jester's final words //

     You woke up troubled by the weird noises that were coming from the hallway.Getting up leaving your warm bed sheets you grabbed your phone for a source of light.If moments ago your dizziness was unbearable, now you were fully awake as some loud crash announced something's presence.
Swallowing the saliva that was collected in your mouth you slowly opened the door.
It was completely dark, your eyes could barely distinguish anything.You sat for a few seconds debating whether to leave you room or not when a door opened,light streaming onto almost every object in the hall.It was Amber,her hand holding the handle of a luggage.She was already stripped of her pajamas and dressed in some jeans and a black t-shirt.Seeing you confused leaning onto the door frame she came to you in a rush.

"Oh Y/N I'm sorry for waking you up."Said the girl locking eyes with you.You felt something was off,the way her eyes were watery and how her tone voice was hidding something.

"What happened?"

"My brother got into a car accident and he is in a coma.Dad said he is stable now after some attempts to make his lungs work."Some tears flowed out her eyes but she still tried to keep a weak smile onto her face.

"I'm so sorry"You hugged her hoping that this gesture would make her feel at least a little better.She hugged you back pulling you into a tight hug.

You walked her to the car and said your goodbyes.You felt bad for Amber and there was really nothing that you could do other than being supportive and staying positive for her.When the car was barely visible you went back in the house,locking the door.
It was the first time in years when you will be alone for an indefinite time.The only times? you were left by yourself were back in highschool when your mom moved jobs .Even then you would pull sleepovers with Amber,you were quite afraid to stay alone especially at night but you couldn't complain right now.


     The stairs were much more hidden in the dark than ever and every little corner of the house felt more frightening.You walked carefully in small steps back to your room.There were only two hours left until work and you gained another sleepless night.Your concerns were focused on someone else and your thoughts wouldn't give you time to rest,you were caught in a chaotic circle.

     As you closed your eyes craving after some crumbs of sleep just to open them again at the annoying sound of the alarm.The nap you just had made things worse,for a few seconds you couldn't regain your rationality,you didn't know if you were late for work or not, so you checked the watch multiple times.
Escaping from this dizzy?state you got up yearning some food.Your steps were as heavier as the dark circles under your eyes and your stomach couldn't wait to get some food???You opened the fridge to get some cereals and searched for some cereals in the cabinets.You needed comfort although no one was around to give that to you so you searched it in your favorite ???foods.After finishing your breakfast you went to change your clothes.While buttoning up your shirt your phone lit up showing a new message.
It was Henry.

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