toddler og cale in a dress and child alver's reaction

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then cale bit poor alver because baby cale bites UwU

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then cale bit poor alver because baby cale bites UwU


"the henituse heir bit me :("

"would you like me to treat the injury, your highness?"

"no, i wanna know how to make him stop hating me ;A;"



"he bit me again! your plan didn't work!"

"your highness, maybe you should consider making a different little friend?"

"no! :( help me come up with a new plan"

"....oki your highness, how about a gift? children normally like gifts"

"got it! i'll buy him a cute dress!"



"....i dont think he liked the dress.... he bit me TWICE this time :("

"maybe sweets? children like sweets? and if he's eating, it'll be hard for him to bite you"

"good thinking! i'll buy all the sweets in the capital for him!>:D"

"that... might be a bit much your highness..."


"I'm not taking your advice anymore ;A; i think you just made him hate me moooreeee..."

"what did he do this time, your highness?"

"he pointed at me and called me a chew toy. i swear a butler laughed at me too ;A;"

" sorry, your highness" *tries not to laugh*


"this is the last thing imma try! if he hates me after this, i give up!"

"what are you going to do, your highness?"

"i'll tell him that im okay being his chew toy!"

".................highnesss........ nooo........"


"i think he likes me now!"

"did he stop biting you?"

"no, he bites me even more but the butler told me that im his favorite chew toy, so that means something, right?"


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