Part 1

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👆Actor of Zoe is Sadie Stanley this is basically what I imagine her to be like, if you have anything else you can just think of that.

Zoe's POV:

Running, its basically what I've been doing for the past 2 years now, ever since I escaped, the horror of the red room, its not as fun as you believe, its quite lonely, sometimes I wish if there was another way, even if I was born this way. Either way I've got to get out of bed right now otherwise Peter's going to call me for being late to Delmar's, its our stop before we both go to Midtown School for Science and Technology. With 5 minutes remaining I pack my bag and change before rushing like the speed of light to Delmar's, trust me no one wants to see Peter mad.

Hey Peter!

Third Person:

Seriously, hi and I thought that you weren't coming, Peter exclaims. Wow, I come late for once and I'm in trouble, Zoe replies. Chill Z, I got your sandwich, she replies with a thanks before stuffing her mouth with the sandwich.

**Time Skip until the pair get to school**

Zoe: Hey y'all

MJ: Heyy!

Ned: Wassup nerds

Peter: Are you ever going to stop saying that.

Ned: Nope

Zoe: Brb

Zoe POV:
After meeting up with my best friends MJ, Ned and Peter I head of to my worst enemy Flash aka the rich boy. Anything he wants his daddy buys for him. Making him popular at school since his father pays for construction at the school all of the teachers fall under his little spell. Also with almost all of the girls wrapped around his finger except MJ and me. You might think that he's just popular, right? Well he's also the school bully, but he never gets in trouble basically corrupting the school. I head over to him and say hi.

Flash: Hello, so wanna go on a date with me, today straight after school meet me near the back gate, we could go bowling?

Zoe: How about no.

Flash: Please come on.

Zoe: I said NO now leave before I beat you up and stuff your eyeballs.

Flash runs away faster than he usually would.

I head of back to MJ, Ned and Peter before hearing the annoying bell sound signalling us for class, I go with MJ to Science.

**Time skip to the end of school**

The bell rings again showing the end of school, I say goodbye to MJ and Ned, when I'm about to say goodbye to Peter, he gives me an offer.

Peter: Hi Z, I was just wondering would you like to come to the avengers tower with me?

Zoe: Yeah, sure.

Peter: It's gonna be ok Z chill.

Zoe: It's not that I'm worried about.

Peter: Ok well we are here.

Zoe POV:

Ha, its funny to see how Peter still believes that I'm an innocent little orphan, when really I'm the exact opposite I mean what would he do hen he figures out that I'm the Amber Widow, who kills people and is an assassin from the red room, I don't know? Kick me out, run for his life? After walking like 5 minutes we arrive at the humungous and luxurious building know as the avengers tower. Peter leads me into to a magnificent hallway before going into the escalator saying "Jarvis can you bring us to the avengers level", not long after we arrive. Its simply beautiful, soon the Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff walk up to us, I stand there holding Peter's hand to avoid fainting.

Peter: Hi dad and Aunt Nat

Tony: Hey kid who's this.

Nat: Hello Pete, is this your friend from school.

With complete shock I stare at Peter like he's crazy.

Peter: Yeah, this is my best-friend Zoe.

Nat: Hello there Zoe.

Tony: Hi Zoe.

Zoe: Nice to meet you both but seriously Peter maybe you could have given me a heads-up that the Tony Stark is your dad, like seriously, I would punch you to death, I'm not kidding.

Nat: I like her.

Tony: Kid, where did you learn this?

Zoe: I guess its some of the perks of being an orphan hahaha.

Nat and Tony stare at her like she's crazy.

Zoe: No, I'm not kidding, I've been like this for almost 2 years now.

Nat: Ok kid, if you need help we're here.

Tony: Yeah.

Zoe: Ok thanks!

Peter: Maybe we should watch a Disney movie, Rapunzel?

Zoe: What's "Rapunzel"?

Suddenly Clint comes screaming at her.

Clint: You don't know what Rapunzel is, come on I'm stealing her everybody.

**Zoe watches the movie with Clint after it ends and its late so she leaves**

Zoe: Thanks for making me watch this Clint, bye y'all!

Clint: We are going to make you watch the rest of the Disney movies tomorrow kid, bye!

Everyone but Clint: Bye Zoe!

After saying my goodbyes I rush out of the door and run as fast as my legs can carry me, finally outside I take in the cold evening air, making my way across the damp streets of Queens not long before I leave I spot roughly 10 Hydra soldiers making their way towards me in the dark. Amber wisps of power come out of my hands after making sure that I'm in an alley I shoot my bursts of energy continuously at the soldiers, each failing to capture me but gathering themselves again like nothing ever happened. With 1 huge blast I kill them all and make my way back to the orphanage like nothing ever happened, its been like this for almost 2 years now, every week they come, I destroy them and come again, to be honest I think that they're making a plan, but either way, I don't care. No matter what they will die.

 Opening the creaky door, I step onto the wooden floor just in time for dinner, bread oh how wonderful. Notice the sarcasm lacing my words. Its horrible, having it for my entire life, leaves a gross taste in my mouth, I'm going to Aunt Lena's place tomorrow. Deciding to skip dinner I rush of to my shared room with Ella Gardener who's already there, she brings her food up to our room and eats it, reading her book. She came 1 week before I did, we're kind of like best-friends. Although deep in my heart I know that MJ, Peter, Ned or even El could never replace the lost friendship with Alondra and Arina. When Arina died nearly 2 years ago it had the biggest affect on mine and Alondra's relationship, but we know that we are sisters no matter what, maybe not by blood, but by heart yes!

My first chapter, how did you guys like it, please rate it and tell me what I can fix up on, if I should change the length, the style, or anything else like that? Is the word count ok? Thanks!🤩

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