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6 Months into their Friendship:-
(Almost 4 Years ago from the present)

It's been 6 months since Aryan has openly accepted their friendship and 6 months since Imlie has been meeting a Psychologist for her therapy.
She has to admit that going to a therapist was the best idea.

That morning after her panic attack, Imlie and Aryan had met Dr. Damini, a sweet lady in her early 50's. She was the one who had helped Arpita cope up after Arvind's death.

Dr. Damini had been very welcoming and had treated Imlie as her own daughter. Though Imlie had been quite stubborn about opening up with the doctor, Damini has patiently dealt with her and had gained Imlie's trust, enough for her to reveal what she has been through.

After that, there was no turning back. Imlie had warmed up to Damini and has found a mother figure in her. It was very painful to go back in past and open up all the bad memories as if reliving them, but she has done that successfully with Damini's help.

Damini's heart had clenched with agony when she had learnt about Imlie's past. She couldn't believe that a young girl had gone through such hell for almost 2 years without any proper support or anyone for her to lean on.

She has adviced Imlie to lean on her loved ones, to face her feelings, to love herself first before loving someone else and to prioritize self-care.

She has also adviced Imlie to do some rejuvenating activities like having a practice such as yoga and/or meditation, expression such as art, dance, and writing, and more.

And Imlie had taken that advice seriously and has joined a dance class on weekends. She always wanted to learn dancing since childhood and had finally gotten a opportunity to do so.

She had appointments with Dr. Damini once in every 20 days and Narmada accompanied her everytime.
Narmada and Imlie spent a lot of time together and their bond has strengthened ten folds.

There was also a change in Imlie's living arrangements. She has shifted to another room after a lot of pestering from all the 3 Rathores. She now stayed in a room beside Aryan's which also had a door connecting both their rooms, which was used only during unavoidable circumstances.

Her nightmares have increased since she has opened up to Damini and her sleep cycle was disturbed. Aryan was always there with her in the night to calm her down whenever she had a nightmare. It was easy due to the connecting door.

There was one such incident, which has bought Imlie and Narmada closer than ever.

After almost 2 months into her therapy,
Aryan was out of Delhi for a business trip to Mumbai for a week and Imlie was restless since he had left. It was the first time they were away from each other for a long time.

It's been 5 days since he had left, and Imlie was very anxious that night during the dinner and hence Narmada has offered to sleep with her.

And she has faced the worst nightmare.
Narmada's sleep was broken due to Imlie's sobs. The poor girl was thrashing in air and was sobbing hysterically, having a difficulty in breathing.

Narmada immediately switched on the lights and caressed her head softly, trying to wake her up, "Imlie beta, please uth jaa, kuch nahi hua hai. You are safe."

But Imlie was very hysterical, continuously mumbling between her sobs,
"Jaane do mujhe, I don't want this marriage. Amma-Dadda, please ask them to stop, Amma please.
Aryan, please roko inhe. I don't want to leave you. Aryan, please save me."
Her words were not very clear but Narmada could make out what she was saying.

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