Chapter 12

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Fine then.. There is no other way.

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- Your POV -
You looked into the mad man's eyes and sighed in defeat.

"I'll choose you, Claude. I'll be yours. But under one condition, you won't harm Hugo, Phoebus, or their family. Let them just be free and I'll obey you completely."

The Judge's eyes widen in shock. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

You finally obeyed. You finally chose the right thing.

"Very well. I knew you would choose the right option." Frollo devilish smiled and turned to

"Don't listen to him (Y/n)! I love you, don't do this." Phoebus tried to convince you which cause Frollo to look at him with rage.

"One more word about her and you'll burn." Frollo threatened and took a step to Phoebus.

"I will rather die than be free while knowing she has to stay with a psychopath like you." Phoebus hissed hateful.

The Judge wanted to raise a hand against him but stopped and calmed himself down.

"Then I won't be a bad man and let your wish come true." Was the last thing he whispered loudly to him before he turned to the crowd in front of them.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n) has recant and admitted her sin. She shall get the chance to make it up in the palace of justice. May God will forgive her." He shouted to the crowd and they cheered seeming like being happy that you wouldn't die right now.

You swallowed and Frollo approached you again.

"Free the woman and the gypsy." he ordered and guards immediately went to you and Hugo to get you out of the chains.

Frollo held out his hand for you to take.

You softly laid your hand in his and he helped you getting out of the wooden sticks under you.

Just after you stood with two feets next to him, he grabbed your waist and pulled you against him.

You gasped slightly and laid your arms down on his.

You had to admit that his Robe was really fluffy and soft. It has to be wonderful to lay on them.. you thought to yourself.

The first time ever you saw no anger, rage or madness in his eyes. No... it was something different.

Something... something beautiful.

"I finally have you, my beloved. Let me take you home." he calmly said to you while stroking some hair out of your face.

You put on a little smile but noticed then that Phoebus still was bound to the stake.

"You forgot Phoebus." You marked.

Frollo chuckled. "I didn't forget him love, he chose to die."

You looked at him in shock and got out of his grip.

"What?!" you asked in rage.

Frollo snarled and took a burning stick out of a guards hand while walking to Phoebus.

"I can't live peacefully knowing you are with someone else (Y/n). I love you with all my heart, maybe we'll meet in heaven again." He warmly explained while a tear ran down his cheek.

The Judge felt jealousy coming up in him which caused him to drop the stick immediately.

Only some moments later the flame started to become a big one and Phoebus began to cough.

You ran towards the soon burning Phoebus but before you could hurt yourself while trying to save him, Frollo catched you and pulled you backwards so you only could watch.

The flames were now so high that you only were capable to hear his painful screams.

"Save him!" you shouted while trying to get out of Frollos grip.

"Shut your mouth insolent girl." Frollo gritted his teeth and tightened his grip.

Some seconds after no more screams were hearable.

A guard threw water on the flames to shut them down.

The people began to leave and all you could do was look empty at the ash that was spread across the wooden.

You didn't move, said anything or cried.

You didn't know what to do.

The man that really loved you, the man you started to grow feeling to, the man that gave up his status to save you.

Dead. Gone. And for what? Nothing. Nothing but an obsession.

An obsession from a cruel man that you don't even think has feelings.

How could he? If he really loves you that much, why would he want you to be sad?

- Frollos POV -
You looked so sad, so broken. He will heal you. He will make sure you'd be the happiest woman alive.

His angel wouldn't be sad anymore if she was with him, your true love.

Phoebus had you in a manipulated state.
He was the obsessed one, not himself.

He saved you. You would just need time to realize that.

You should be thankful that he spared you.

He could've just let you die. Die like the idiot on the stake.

But he felt that something in him couldn't've brought this over as he does it with the other convicts.

To feel satisfied to have cleaned the world from another sinner. To torture the thieves to the pain they never experienced.

Even though he was sure this love for your was a spell made by you he couldn't get rid of your aura.

To see the woman he loves die would even hurt him somehow.

Anyways, what matters is that you now finally were his. And he was sure in less than a week you would obey and love him out of your free will.

You'll be mine or burn. | Claude Frollo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now