Chapter 2

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-- Next Day, Your POV -
You were woken up by loud noises outside in the streets.

Since it was early in the morning you got up, rubbed your eyes sleepy, and opened the window to look at what was going on outside.

On or in every house on the street was a group of 4 to 6 soldiers that either stormed the house or threatened the owners.

You gasped at this sight and turned around. "Hugo wake up! Look!" you shouted and Hugo got still half asleep up.

He was annoyed and walked toward you. "What is it-" he started but stopped after he saw what was going on outside.

"Are they looking for gypsies?" you asked in terror and felt bad for the innocent French people that were dragged roughly away or were kicked and pushed away.

"I don't know. Let me go outside and check what's going on." Hugo decided and headed downstairs. You quickly stormed after him.

"Are you completely out of your mind?! When they're searching for gypsies and you walk there outside then they will take you away!" you tried to stop him in his tracks.

"Oh (Y/n), that's not the first time something like this happens they won't see me, and if so then I'll escape them anyways." he shrugged you off.

You grabbed his arm before he could reach the door and pulled him to you so he looked at you.

"Hugo I won't risk that. I don't care how often you've been doing this. Just let me go outside and I'll ask them. Just in case they searching for you, go wake your parents and hide. I'll get you if it isn't because of you then, alright?" you suggested and smiled warmly.

Hugo nodded his head and went to his parent's bedroom. There while you stepped outside and made your way to one of the soldier groups that was the nearest.

The cold wind made you tingle since you wore your silk-sleep coat and just your lingerie under it.

You walked to a soldier that currently held the owner of the house while the poor man was trying to get out of the grip.

You tapped on the shoulder of the soldier and his head turned to you.

"Excuse me sir, but could you tell me what's-" you started to ask politely but were stopped by the soldier dropping the man he held, grabbing you instead and him shouting "men I have her!".

You couldn't say anything since you were in shock and had to take your time to realize what was going on.

As every group ran out of the houses and stormed towards you, you got that this wasn't just a bad joke and tried to get rid of the now 3 soldiers dragging you away with the other, around 15 soldiers, following you.

"Let go of me!" you told them but they were much stronger than you. They dragged you to the palace of Justice and downstairs into the dungeons.

They threw you into a rotten cell and locked it. They walked laughing away and you ran to the locked door with the tiny window in it.

You looked around and saw 2 soldiers with a disgusting-looking man half-covered with blood spots on him smirking walking with them into a room you couldn't see.

Very soon you started to hear painful screams which made you shriek back to the wall behind you and looked out at the bright sun.

What have you done that you were in here? Which crime was it? Maybe they thought you were someone else! Yes, this must be the reason you are here! You ran towards the door and called out for soldiers.

One approached you. "For what are you screaming like that, little girl?" he asked half smiling.

"You must have the wrong person, I'm innocent! I haven't done anything wrong! I'm the wrong woman you are searching for!" you hastily said and looked at him.

He laughed to himself and answered, "Listen, girl, I think we all know who danced yesterday like an angel at the feast and I don't think here in town is nearly one woman as beautiful as you that we could've caught the wrong one."

You kinda blushed at those words, but that didn't answer the question of why you were here. Why were they searching for you?

"But why am I here? What have I done?" you asked curiously and looked at the man in front of you confused.

"The Judge told us that you're a witch and put a love spell under a man that wanted to stay unknown and just told the judge alone" the soldier explained.

A witch? A love spell? What idiot has been telling the judge such nonsense lately?

"What?! I'm not a witch neither have I cast a spell in my whole life! That's a huge sin and I'm not such a stupid woman who would do that!" you protested and looked at him helplessly.

"That's what they all say, lovely. Women do even sinful things to get a man's love. Even though I have to admit that I couldn't imagine a man that wouldn't be willing to love you." he said while smirking at the last sentence.

You huffed and wanted to continue to make clear that you are innocent just as you both heard footsteps coming.

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