21 real life.

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Charles lowers his phone to look at the dutchman, laying on his couch while having gotten sick in the morning. Charles has never regretted eating overdue chicken soup in his life more then now.

Max turns off his phone and throws it roughly on the coffee table. He looks at the sick Charles wrapped in a couple of blankets. Looking too pale for his liking.

"I hate being sick." Charles mutters annoyed.

"At least the take out pizza works." Max smiles at him.

Charles groans before turning on his side, away from Max. Feeling his stomach turn, the nauseous feeling coming back but not as before. He knows that he only feels sick at this point and luckily he won't throw up again.

Max sighs, he gets up from his couch. Charles knows that max feels useless at this point. The dutchman had tried many things to make the Monegasque better but all to no avail.

"I'm getting you some ginger tea." Max says before Charles can hear the water cooker turn on.

He hates feeling sick and the only reason why they both decline coming to the party with the others was because Charles had to get sick. He had wanted to come so badly, but max had kept him on the couch and called up Arthur.

His little brother quickly agreed upon lying for the two, max could lie for himself but they didn't want their friends knowing about their new found not so relationship. They're trying to figure it out at this point.

Which is not weird or anything at this point. They had been fighting for years and now they made up and have no clue what is going on. They want to take their time to figure it out. To understand what this all means.

It had only been three days since they made up and if you ask Charles. He feels stupid for fighting with max all those years. He could have had the dutchman all that time, they could have had a steady relationship by now.

But another thing that Charles never knew about Max was just how caring he was. Going out of his way to care for Charles and wrap him up like a sushi roll in blankets. Not caring that he has to take care of sick and whiny Charles.

"Here." Max says before placing a cup of steaming ginger tea next to him.

"Merci." Charles mumbles softly.

Max plops down next to him on the couch, turning the channel to something else then stupid french news which he barely understands and doesn't want to bother Charles for translation.

Charles cuddles up to max, feeling safe and secure in the dutchman's arms. He knows by now that Max won't leave him. That the Dutchman is in too deep to do so, cares too much to let anything happen to his Charles.

"Oh! I like this movie." Charles mumbles from next to max.

Max cringes at the movie, but he lowers the remote on the couch next to him and lets Charles enjoy the french movie that max has no clue about what is happening. But watches nevertheless since it makes Charles happy.

Max knows that they have a long while before everything is smooth sailing for them. They will get some bumps in the road. Some obstacles that they need to pass but Max is sure that he won't leave Charles. He never will. He has him now, he will never let him leave. Not even death will be able to take him from max.

"I'm sorry for insulting you all this time." Charles mumbles to max.

Max and Charles hadn't talked about the passed between them. All they have done is chat a bit about themselves and their lives to get to know each other. They had more fun cooking, chatting and playing video games then really press the matter of the past nor did they do anything more in the bed room then just cuddle and sleep.

"I forgive you, besides, i had a handful of it too. I'm sorry for doing the same, Charlie." Max says, rather looking at the boy than the dumb tv.

Charles hums softly, not really caring about the movie much either. He's tired, being sick is tiring. He yawns, stretching his limbs as much as the blanket around him allows him to.

"Sleep, Charlie. You need your strength tomorrow for the media and all that stupid shit that Monaco wants from you." Max says softly.

"Okay." Charles softly mumbles in the shirt of max.

Sleep doesn't take long to hit Charles like a truck. He softly snores against max, drooling a little. Not that max cares about that. He lifts Charles up from the couch and brings him to his bed.

Wrapping the softer blanket of his Charles before he climbs in the bed next to him. Thanking himself for putting on sweats on both of them. Having no energy to change out of his clothes.

Max draws in Charles, feeling the Monegasque wrapping his arms around his waist, sleeping just under his arm in his side. Max smiles at his Charles before going to sleep too.

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