12 real life.

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Max huffs as he drops onto the towel, wet and tired from playing a ball game with his sister's husband. The man walks off with the two kids to play in the sand and build some sand castle so that Vic, Sophie and Max could talk.

"What happened for you and charles to fight like that?" His sister breaks the silence.

To be honest, max doesn't know either what had caused them to hate each other so much. All he knows is that they had been civil before they crashed in 2012, from that crash, they had thrown insults and been tougher with each other then anyone else.

At some point they had gotten into a physical fight, his father had shouted at him all ride home. His father hadn't been angry about the confession of max being gay. He had said it was normal for some boys to be that way. He had been angry about the fighting, that he had let Charles get to him that way.

Jos had never told Max to stay away from the boy or not to be friends, on one condition only. His racing would come first. At some point when Jos got enough of them insulting and showing obvious sexual tension, he told Max to get it out of his system, but max shook his head and denied his feelings, even denying that he was gay.

Which had been caused by Charles insulting him with the fact that being gay was dirty and weak. That they would never allow faggot boys in the high ranks of racing. It had stuck with max, it nestled deep in his brain and heart. Dating girls after another, not being interested in them and never doing anything at all with them. It never excited him or got him horny in the first place. Which was most of the times the reason for them breaking up, and it always left max cold that they did.

"I don't know, it's been so long. All i know is that it got worse after 2012. That famous incident crash." Max mumbles looking at the horizon, the sun slowly lowering itself to the edge, barely touching it.

"But why do you keep fighting? What is to dislike about him?" His mother asks him, grabbing his hand in hers.

Max sighs, he knows that at some point his emotions are gonna run free. Explode from hiding them everyone. At some point his bucket is gonna run over and it will be pouring water over the edge, something he won't be able to stop from happening. He knows that at some point everyone will know how fucking gay he is and they will hate him, turn against him. Dispose of him like trash, which he is.

"Because i fucking love that stupid Monegasque! He works on my nerves and his words hurt. I feel disgusted for being gay. Red bull will dispose of me when they find out." Max mumbles as his mother wraps her arms around his boarder frame.

"Didn't your father tell you that it's normal for a boy to like another one?" Sophie asks her son softly.

"He did. But Charles, he once told me that faggot boys wouldn't make it in the racing sport." Max mumbles softly into his mother's shoulder.

Sophie sighs softly, rubbing the back of her sobbing son. She had missed so much out of his life, she regrets not having been there to tell her son to ignore the comments and that that wouldn't be true.

"It's okay, maxie. All will be alright, do any of the other drivers know about this?" His mother asks him softly.

"No, i never told anyone this. Not even dad knows I'm gay. I was afraid he would try to encourage me in talking about it." Max says, trying to hide in his mother's shoulder.

He sniffles softly in hate of himself, how he is so weak and pathetic that he has to cry in his mother's shoulder. Hating how he has a mental breakdown in his mother's arms. How he has admitted after years of tension and racing hearts, that he's in love with the Monegasque.

"Listen, sweetie. It's your choice if you do anything about this. I recommend in doing so but that's up to you. We will support you no matter what and if you wanna wait until you're sure you wanna act upon your feelings or know that he feels the same way." Sophie tells her son.

Max nods his head in her shoulder. "Thanks mom."

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