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THE YOUNG BLONDE sat on her bed in her luxurious bedroom, listening to the tunes playing from her baby pink record player

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THE YOUNG BLONDE sat on her bed in her luxurious bedroom, listening to the tunes playing from her baby pink record player.

She hummed quietly to the music, the voice of Frank Sinatra deeply calming her.

This time of day was always a time when she had time to herself, never having to worry about her mother or father. She always enjoyed being able to sit in her baby pink room, surrounded by all the cute pastel pinks.

Ever since she was 14, Pearl hoped that someone, anyone would come and rescue her.

Perhaps a knight in shining armor would come by and sweep her off her feet. Or maybe a nice young man with a sturdy job and a nice home would fall in love with her.

But she hopes, that someone— a man, a beautiful and caring man would save her from the hell she called home.

And on every single birthday, since she was 14, she made that wish when she blew out her candles.

Her home life is a nightmare.

Her parents fought violently one day, love each other another, and then cheat on each other the next.

Her father would use Pearl as his excuse for cheating. Pointing out how she's causing him to be "stressed."

On the other hand, her mother was very abusive to her in her own way. She would either just gaslight her, manipulate her into feeling bad about ever wanting to leave or just plainly insult her.

Or manipulate her into feeling bad for even bringing up the topic of leaving.

She would help decorate her room just how she wanted. She would buy her all kinds of baby pinks, baby blue clothes, and all the makeup and accessories a girl could ask for.

All to make her want to stay.

But she always expected something in return. She would take any measures to ensure that Pearl was the perfect, Prima Ballerina.

No matter what that meant.

Starving her, isolating her, allowing her father to curse her out, and making her think it was Pearl's fault for her parents fighting.

Or even forcing her to exercise until her body physically gave out.

As for her sisters, they were out living extraordinary lives.

Marigold met a man about four years ago, when she was 17, his name is Luther Hawk and ever since then, she has been happier than ever.

Luther is a French man and he was only here in Memphis, Tennessee to visit a friend. While visiting, he just so happened to meet Marigold. On top of that, Marigold has been dipping into acting and so far, is doing pretty well at it.

She's been traveling around the entire world with him while Pearl is left in her room, only being able to listen to records and watch movies with her favorite stars in them.

Not that she blames her sister for getting away from such a toxic household. In the same way, she doesn't blame her other sister Louisa either.

Louisa didn't meet a man, no, her career as a famous model took off two years ago when she was 18, and now she too is free from their parents.

So, Marigold the eldest, 21, an aspiring actress with a good man, Louisa, the middle, 20, with an amazing modeling career, and finally Pearl, 17, a Prima Ballerina.

You would think their parents would be proud and love their daughters, but no, they hate them.

Pearl's dad is constantly calling Marigold a stupid whore for running off with a man at 17 and he always comments how Louisa never sends any of the money she gets from her modeling gigs despite how "good of a childhood" he gave her.

Every day, their parents trash their names and take out their anger on Pearl who is left there to just take it.

Tears fill her eyes as the violent words being thrown at her about her and her sister soak into her.

Until one day, just one day, she too will meet a man like her sister Marigold. Or maybe her career as a ballerina will take off and she will be taken away from this horrid place.

But until that day comes, she will have to do as she's always done. Wait.

As the song takes a break from playing, she hears a car pulling into the driveway.

Hopping out of her bed, Pearl runs to the window only to see her dad's black car pulling in. Once she sees that, she rushes to clean up her room the best as she can and removes her record from her record player.

Then she puts a sleep gown on over her baby pink slip. She shuts her bedroom door, hoping that her parents will keep to themselves for the rest of the night.

She suddenly hears a loud pounding on her door to which she sits up in bed, "yes, Daddy?" she questions, swallowing a lump in her throat.

"Are ya decent?" he asks in his thick southern accent.

She nods even though he can't see her "yes, I am."

He swings her door open, facing her as she sits on her bed. "Your bitch sister is comin'..." he tells her "your mother and I will be leavin' before she gits here. We don't wanna see her ungrateful ass."

Pearl nods "I'll clean up the house, Daddy."

"And you best not get any silly idea like last time and run off," he says more firmly, pointing at her with his large finger.

She quickly shakes her head "course not, Daddy. I'll stay right here."

"And if I catch you listenin' to anything that stupid bitch whore puts in your stupid little head or if you try anythin' sneaky..." he walks further into her room, each word soaking into her skin "one of two things will happen. I either kill ya' or you neva' see the light of day again. Understand me?"

She squeezes her hands tightly shut "I understand, Daddy."

"Good." And just as quickly as he arrived, he leaves.

And Pearl is left there, happy about her sister's upcoming visit and her parents soon coming absence.

And Pearl is left there, happy about her sister's upcoming visit and her parents soon coming absence

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bunny's corner

i hope you all enjoyed the epilogue, bbys! let me know if you have any feedback <3

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