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Scene #1—

[A neighborhood on a street called Privet Drive. An owl, sitting on the street sign flies off to reveal an old man walking through a forest near the street. He stops at the start of the street and takes out a mechanical device and zaps all the light out of the lampposts one by one]

Ron fiddles with said device in his pocket. It was one of the best gifts he's ever received.

Fred and George grin," We want one!".

"NO!" Molly and Arthur immediately responded with stern eyes. 

They settled for pouting like toddlers.

[He puts away the device and a cat meows. The man looks down at the cat, which is a tabby and is sitting on a brick ledge. This cat looks too serious to be just a cat though...]

" Minnie! " Jaime, And the Weasley twins blurt out with impish smirks upon their faces. It was so obvious these were troublemakers it made Loki grin.

[Dumbledore: I should have known that you would be here...Professor McGonagall.]

McGonagall stiffened; she hated leaving her poor lion cub on the front steps of people she knew were no good.

[The cat meows, sniffs out and the camera pans back to a wall. The cats shadow is seen turning into a human. It looks almost painful as Minerva is revealed.]

Bucky and Steve's eyes widen a fraction. They'd never seen magic like that... They've seen Wanda's magic of course, and as magnifying as it was, they'd still can't get over seeing Minerva's bones reshape and crunch down into a smaller feline form. It was somehow different.

[McGonagall: Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumours true, Albus?]

Jaime tears up as she realized what day that was. She didn't think about the fact that she'd have to relive her past all over again..... Was she prepared for that? The answer was hell no....

[Dumbledore: I'm afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad.]

The Avengers looked on confused by the tension in the room but choose to keep quiet for now.

[McGonagall looks sad at the confirmed news: "What of the child?]

[Dumbledore: "Hagrid is bringing her, she will be okay".]

Sirius and Remus let out relieved sighs at the knowledge that their pup being okay.

[McGonagall: Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?]

Hagrid flushed with embarrassment. The Golden Trio snicker to themselves. This was going to be interesting.

[Albus: Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.]

"Just not our secrets!" Jaime, Ron and Hermione laughed smiling at Hagrid's beat red face.

There is a motor sound, and the two professors look up to see a flying motorcycle coming down from the air. It skids on the street and halts. A large man known as Hagrid, takes off his goggles.

Bucky gaps at the flying motorcycle on the screen in amazement. He glanced at Jaime who was busy whispering to the red headed boy, Ron he thinks his name was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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