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It was over. The war was finally over, yet J'amie was numb, as if Voldemort had ripped out all that made J'amie, well....J'amie. While everyone celebrated the defeat of Voldemort and his followers J'amie grieved over the people she lost. Fred, Tonks, Sirius, Remus, her parents. Her fellow classmates. All gone. J'amie clenched her jaw, it made her sick. Freedom was never free. She knew that. She had always known that. Somebody had to pay the price of freedom, and as fate would have it, J'amie had to pay the price over and over again. The girl had lost everything, she grew up an orphan, constantly verbally and physically abused by her Aunt and Uncle, she had seen death at a young age, she was forced to grow up quick, she had lost one of her best friends, and all of her family; one by one. Now what was she to do? Where would she go? These questions echoed in the 18 year olds mind. The war took everything from the redhead girl. That was obvious, yet she was still being stared at as she walked along the side walk. To strangers she was J'amie Presley Potter, the daughter of James and Lily Potter, the girl who lived. The chosen one. A hero. To her though, she was a broken soul who was fated for tragedy.

Just as she was about to head towards her favorite coffee shop an owl landed near her with a black letter; sealed with a dark red wax seal. The girl stared at the owl for a long minute, marveling at it's beauty. The owl was a sleek black with beautiful blue eyes. Finally the girl took the letter into her manicured hands. It was decorated in light golden swirls. Opening the seal the girls bluish green eyes read the fancy written words on the parchment.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

Dear Ms J'amie P. Potter,

Your presence is required at the Great Hall of Hogwarts in two days time. We understand you might still be grieving and we apologize for our terrible timing, but it is of importance that you be at Hogwarts in two days, be there by no later than 12:00 am .

Kindest regards,

Minerva McGonagall,


❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

The girl huffed slightly. As much as she was delighted to hear from one of her favorite teachers the girl wasn't ready to return to a place filled with terrible memories. Though, when Minnie said something was, 'important', it usually was. The girl thought about what she'd do about the sudden letter while she walked home. Could she ignore it? No. Minnie won't take no for an answer. She knew that much. She would have no choice BUT to attend. Would Ron and Hermione be there? She surly hoped so. The girl decided she'd go, maybe this would be a good thing.


The next morning J'amie woke up around 10:30 . The girl lounged for awhile before deciding if she wanted to arrive at Hogwarts on time she'd have to start getting ready, so the girl got up and decided to start the day with a hot shower.



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