62 The UK

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Once all three of them made it to their house Tommy showed Bella where the guest bedroom was and that she could always stay/hangout in Tommys room.

The two decided to do a late-ish stream.

Tommy started while Bella was in the guest room. They knew Mrs. Simons was going to be here with pizza soon so Bella would get up when the pizza got here and bringing him a piece of pizza surprising everyone that she was in the Uk to!

"WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM BOYS!" Tommy shouted, playing the able sisters and taking a sip of Diet Coke. "Yeah chat, I'm back in the Uk sadly. I'll hopefully be going back soon.

Tommy talked with chat for a bit while Bella ran downstairs grabbing the pizza and telling Mrs. Simons they were streaming.

Bella walked into the room placing Tommy's plate down and walking off screen quickly not saying anything.


BellaInnitShipper: BELLA?! HELLO

The chat started to fill up quickly and Tommy couldn't help but laugh at everyones reactions.

"Yes guys Bellas in the Uk with me!" Tommy said as she walked back into frame.

The two told chat that they were going to do a laugh you lose except they just wanted to laugh.

The two laughed at almost everything.

The two laughed at Ranboo doing the chicka dance in which Ranboo called them right after they laughed and yelled at them.

Bella laughed at Tommy singing "Thats what I Like" while Tommy yelled, making his mother yell at him because she was trying to sleep.

And after 3 hours of laughing, yelling and telling chat they're not funny the two ended.

After they ended the two put on Bo Burnhams Special on Tommy's laptop as they laid in Tommy's bed.

Not to long after Bella fell asleep in Tommy's arms, her head on his chest. The boy smiled, turning off his computer and lifting the blanket more.

"Good night Elz." Tommy whispered kissing the top of Bellas head and drifting off to sleep.


Paper Rings|TommyInnitxOCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ