Chpt. 19 | 愛への恐れ

Start from the beginning

"Hmm~ I don't know All Might. When can you have me?" She smiles innocently as a blush creeps along her cheeks. Her own words cause butterflies to swarm her tummy and chest, almost making her feel lightheaded.

All Might chokes on his water and spits it out, causing Mizuki to giggle. She grabs a napkin to wipe the water off his face. His own cheeks are dusted pink as he studies her features and wonders if she actually just said that.

"Well I- uh- I guess whenever you're ready sweet girl~" He coos with a soft smirk. Oh how the tables have turned. Mizuki shifts in her chair, doing her best not to show how flustered she is. She refuses to let him win this; he's won too many times.

"Oh? Well I'm ready right~ now~" She draws out her words as she bats her feather-like lashes, then giggles at her own confidence. Everything that's happening is so foreign to her; she's not used to flirting with a man. But with All Might, she enjoys it.

All Might's breath quickens as he shifts in his own seat, desire coursing through his veins. He's trying his best to hold back. He's never seen Mizuki so confident and flirtatious; it's new to him but he absolutely loves it. Not only does he want her to be happy, he wants her to be confident with herself and her abilities. She's genuinely amazing but doesn't see it.

"Sweet girl... you're treading dangerous waters right now." All Might's blue irises glow unusually bright under his shaded eyes. He wants to pounce but he's trying his best not to. His head feels like it's split in half; one side tells him to back off since she's only 20, while the other argues that she's legally an adult and can legally consent.

Mizuki on the other hand is absolutely ready to be devoured by this man. Though, when it comes down to it, she'd be terrified. She doesn't even touch herself due to her trauma. Why on Earth would she let another person touch her? She wouldn't. She would never willingly let a man put his hands on her in a s*xual way.

But with All Might, he genuinely makes every nerve in her body spark to life. It's incredible how even his feather-like touches can send electricity throughout her aching body. That's something that scares her too. How willing she is to submit to him, give in to his every want, need, and desire.

"Good thing I can walk on water then, huh?" All Might genuinely laughs as she giggles almost drunkinly. His presence alone makes her core come alive. She can't get enough of his laugh, his smile, the devouring looks he gives her. Everything ignites her desires and scares her even more. But part of her screams that she wants this; she wants him.

If he knew what she's been through, he would treat her like glass, keeping her clean and polished. Which means he would most likely never touch her or would be too afraid to genuinely f*ck her. If she gets him, she wants all of him. She wants to be made love to and also f*cked senseless. She's not afraid of s*x or intimacy, she's afraid of being used and hurt. Touched against her will or when she doesn't want to be.

Mizuki isn't afraid to express her discomfort to Andrea and now All Might. But she hasn't had to with him yet; his touches comfort her and make her feel good. They scare her, but not in that type of way. She's more scared of her feelings and emotions then actually being reduced to a moaning mess under All Might's towering form.

Mizuki's breathing becomes shallow as she does her best to keep her arousal at bay. This doesn't go unnoticed by the hero. His eyes skim down her form until they stop at her plump thighs that are clamped shut. He's no s*x god but he is experienced in that area. He knows when a woman is aroused and when she's not. And right now, he's trying his best not to take Mizuki right there on the table.

Would she even like it? Does she actually want him or is she closing her legs because she doesn't have anything on under the shirt?... she doesn't have anything on under the shirt.

𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉ℯ𝒹 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒜 𝒟𝒶𝓇ℯ | 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 {All Might} ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now