Chapter 1

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Ukrainian-Romanian Border some tiny ass town that the author couldn't bother to go look up 7:34

"Haah" anton As he took another swig of Vodka he thought of his mother Supposedly he was born out of the war his father was a Young and handsome American tanker and his mother a VDV paratrooper his mother would always talk about him how for just four days "she was the happiest person" alive she said but how he would often ask they met she would always chuckle he never knew what happened. he asked what he was like she would always reply "most nationalistic yank" that's what led him to the revolution because his mother would always talk about the west how great it was before the war he Took another swig as he thought of that fateful night. "Hey comrade Anton you all right"
said vesna the former mercenary now bartender "you think you fought in the war"
She joked
"Yea I am good" he replied.
"Shit I need to get going" he said placing a few rubles on the counter as he ran out the door singing along to a certain song below.

[Time skip brought to you by the laziness of the author]

As He briskly jogged along he spotted figures in the distance why the fuck are they in the woods are they looking for them did they find her. he immediately hit the deck trying his hand gun a Makarov pm rusted but still useful as they came by he noticed that they weren't male they were female then he noticed the absurd clothing he relaxed they were T dolls but why. he didn't wanna stick around to find out as he ran back to the old farmhouse he Threw the door open "Marko Ivan" he screamed
"what" Ivan replied as cleaned his gun
"Oh thank god"
What happen Ivan said
"I saw T dolls on the way back"
"Do you know why"
"couldn't tell you"
"you should go tell Marko"
As he walked to the barn
where she was located as he opened The old gal or tank appeared she had gone through many names from "sweetheart" by the Soviet union In the 80s "Dutchko" in the 2010s under the DPR and "glory" in the 2030s and finally "the old timer" as he walked towards the engine compartment Where Marko Was sweating in oil and grease "hey Marko" Anton screamed "yeah fucktard" Marko replied "I saw T dolls on the way here" "what type" "Gryffin & Krueger" "that's strange" Marko replied "how come"He replied "a big SF installation it's just up the road"
"Ah I see"
"I wonder what they're doing"
"Me too"
Just as he was about to walk out the door a thundering roar echoed "shit" Marko got up and tossed anton a AK 74u "let's go" As they ran back to the house with Ivan with a Makarov PM handgun as they posted up in defensive positions The tank in no operable form As they looked out in To nothingness nothing eventful happened.

Somewhere in Romania 11:21

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Somewhere in Romania 11:21

As plasma screamed around them AR team "covering fire!" AR 15 screamed as M4A1 and M16A1 threw themselves behind log "eep what are we gonna do we lost communication with Persica" M4 said "improvise overcome adapt" M16 Replied AR 15 soon joined them "there's a town up the road they might have a radio communicator arch enough to get it in contact with Persica" "soppo you know what to do" comically large grin Appeared on her face A 40 mm grenade ripped into the SF dolls As began to track towards the town

As plasma screamed around them AR team "covering fire!" AR 15 screamed as M4A1 and M16A1 threw themselves behind log "eep what are we gonna do we lost communication with Persica" M4 said "improvise overcome adapt" M16 Replied AR 15 soon joined the...

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It begins....

A GFL Story: THE TANK Where stories live. Discover now