Kennedy was really shy in school, plus he wore long sleeves too since he was cutting himself during our high school years. Well, he wasn't the only one who was dealing with mental health.

I was too.

I struggled with Bulimia in our sophomore year, I refused to eat anything and if I did, I would end up throwing everything I ate up. Not only, was I the shortest and youngest, but I also was the thinnest of the four of us.

My mum was barely at home since she had a full-time job, she worked all the time and was never at home with me or Amara, I was Amara's babysitter until she became a teenager, where she was always with her friends, I was left at home by myself most of the time, and the two of them didn't know I was making myself throw up.

I would eat at school at lunch, so, Felix, Kennedy nor Clyde didn't find out about my struggles and as soon as I got home, It was right to the bathroom to throw up.

The first time I passed out was when Kennedy and I had gym class, We were doing the mile run, and Kennedy was ahead of me, he liked to run anyways since he always ran down the hallways at our high school since he was always late to some of his classes since his classes were weirdly arranged. He would have first period downstairs, second period upstairs, third period downstairs, fourth period upstairs, fifth downstairs, and so on. I had to force myself to run and catch up with him, and that's when I got really dizzy all of a sudden, I grabbed ahold of Kennedy, who was concerned with my actions.

"Tobias, you look pale." I remember Kennedy saying, "Are you okay?"

"I think s-so." my whole body felt like I was going to pass out and I did, Kennedy quickly grabbed me before I fell and he called for our gym teacher, who came running over to us, where I woke up to see Kennedy and our gym teacher over me. I really didn't know what had happened to me.

Kennedy walked me to the nurse to make sure I didn't pass out again. When I got to the nurse, She called my mum to let her know I passed out, my mum came to my school right away to pick me up, She gladly thanked Kennedy for looking after me before she got there. Have I mentioned that Kennedy was my mum's favorite? He was and is, She always loved it when I brought Kennedy home, She was glad I met a nice kid like him when she made any kind of baked good, she always gave Kennedy two, I didn't care, I needed to lose weight anyways at the time.

My mum took me to the doctor and the doctor diagnosed me with Bulimia, which shocked my mom the most. I knew I had it before I got diagnosed with it, I hated myself that day since my mum said, "Tobias, why didn't you say anything to me about this?"

"You were busy," I replied, I felt tears coming to my eyes, while we hugged. "I love you, Tobias John."

"I love you too, Mum." I cried on her shoulder. I knew I needed help and I knew for a fact that Need to tell Kennedy, Felix, and Clyde as well, so, they would know.

The following week, Kennedy asked me if I was okay after what happened in gym class that Friday and asked me what the doctor said, but I knew I had to tell him, I wanted to wait until we were all together at lunch. I did hate leaving Kennedy on like that, I really did, but I waited until lunch since I barely had any classes with Felix since he was a senior and Clyde had different classes than Kennedy and I did, but we all had the same lunch period, I told them that I had bulimia.

The three of them looked at me like I had six heads, Kennedy gave me a big hug and he cried, he couldn't believe I was bulimic, he said that he wished he saw the signs earlier and tried to help me but he didn't, since he was getting treatment for his depression and self-harm, Felix told me he would make sure I ate and Clyde was so shocked, he couldn't speak.

I was really glad they cared enough to stick by me this long, but Kennedy and I haven't been on the best terms since he and I both liked the same girl, I wasn't blaming the girl since the girl knows Felix, well, her name's Crystal James, a beauty, she's a very funny person and was a joy to be around but she didn't want to be around me since the whole thing happened to Kennedy.

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