hurts so.....

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the next day I woke up waiting for what is going to await me the humiliation that was about to happen to me probably I got a brush my teeth wash my face Got dress ate some breakfast I also did my hair got my stuff and went off to school . I thought on how I begged my mother for me to stay home but she insisted on me going for my education I gave in as I arrived everyone was staring at me and as ever was talking about the video how was waiting for Hourda to show up but sadly she texted me that she was sick and so I was all alone, without my only friend I have to fend for myself.

In class everyone was gossiping about me behind my back and I felt horrible and even at lunch was that my friend once again it was pretty lonely and it sucked but only just this time people avoided me because they didn't want to get on The Builes bad side. As when I went to class super early I decided to isolate myself and just be indoors, i notice some writings on my desk it had pretty nasty things on it as I sat down and slouch my head down just as the builles arrived they all circled around me as Musame got out the chalkboard erasers and clapped them on my head as the other girls were laughing at me too and just after they done tormenting me they went back on their phones and left.

I felt so helpless I felt like the whole school turned against me all because of what happened yesterday and I felt like my punishment hasn't ended yet I ask myself what did I do to deserve this.

as time went on i was their personal target to be builed as i was shy and was a loner, i thought to myself of how much i couldn't take anymore as i usaully skipped half my class time to hang out with Hourda, i wouldn't tell her my issues because I didn't want her to get caught up in my problems as the Builes left her alone and tortured me as a flash back came up in my head as the bullies came up to me as I was eating my lunch on the rooftop as the gossiping of the other students kind of died down so I decided to sit up on the rooftop then they came up and poured some liquid on me it was soda I have to wash all of that out and I also had to change my uniform to because it also got on me too.

I reassured her that I was fine but I wasn't really I kept it all inside but for some reason after a little while I started to develop a little crush on the student council she would check up on me every now and then for some reason yes she will do her job but you will also make sure that I was all right to she still put up her tough Act when other people are around but she made sure that I was fine as I smiled even though that school is a living hell for me there are some right sides I guess.

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