Chapter 4

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Bro. This is not okay. This is a scam. There is LITERALLY NO WAY THIS HAPPENED. Who tf would have known that the village you moved into was TANJIROS. Absolutely insane, but thank god you didn't have to talk to him.

You figured out how to get some money in this town, not a lot, but enough to get by. The people here pay you to do some errands, so by now almost everyone knows who you are, even after just being here a week.

You were just finished with a job and handed a random old lady the stuff she requested and she gave you some change. You smiled softly at her, even if you were doing it to survive, it was really nice to work with people and help them out.

You looked over your shoulder when you heard people yell out greetings to someone from across the street. You tilted your head at the walking figure. This seems familiar... Wait. Hold up. Back up. Be for real. Is that who you think that is?

You squinted your eyes. Yeah, there's no mistaking that. He looks exactly like he did in the anime, but... younger? Definitely my age. But... holy fucking shit this is insane! You loved Tanjiro when you were in the other world! He was sweet, kind, handsome, and literally so many other things.

Though... are you sure you wanna get involved with him? As much as you love him, you would probably get it the way, right? He and Nezuko are so strong and you don't wanna get in the way of that. You sighed and looked back to the old lady you were talking too.

"It was nice talking to you Ma'am," you said in a soft tone, like you usually did these days.

She smiled at you. "Thank you, now run along now, surely you must want some coal? That boy over there sells it."

You looked over there again, and looked back. Shrugging, you said "I'll manage without it," you started running away "Thank you though!" And with that you had disappeared back into the alleyway unaware of the burgundy eyes that followed your figure.

Once you were out of site you slowed your pace to a walk. Sighing, you started thinking. I can't avoid Tanjiro forever... but I'll try as long as I can. If we're forced to talk we don't have to be friends... right? Just not enemies. God knows what would happen if you somehow manage to anger him. Is that even possible?

Anyways, you entered your home, closing the door behind you. You dropped down on your futon and passed out.


Around 8 hours later you got up sleepily. The town was still dead silent. You smiled, you haven't had much time to think throughout the week you've been here. You were already quiet when you were reincarnated into this world because of the trauma from dying, but now that someone close to you died, you barely talked.

Your depressed. You have nothing here. Every other night you wake up with nightmares from either you dying or vivid flashbacks from the night your "parents" died.

You would never talked to him, but seeing Tanjiro almost made you cry. Even if he's real now, Demon slayer was your saint. It calmed you and made you laugh and cry so seeing him almost reminded you of home.

You got up from your bed and decided to walk around town, even if sunrise was just beginning. You slowly walked and got changed into new clothes. Your signature dark green haori on you. It was important to you, it was your second mothers.

Opening the door you breathed in the smell of fresh air, walking out and onto the street with a saddened dreamy smile on your face. You began slowly walking around looking for a cheep place to eat.

It was times like this that reminded you of your friends. You were never really connected with your family so your friends kinda filled the sad void. Do they miss you? Do they even care? You miss them. You're almost crying thinking about it but hold back when you hear something.

"Y/n!" A loud male voice called. You winced at the tone this early in the morning. You turned to face it. It was a middle aged black haired man. You know him, he makes you deliver fabric and other stuff for a good price.

"Hm?" You hummed.

He caught up to you. "I was wondering if you could deliver something for me. It'll take at least an hour or two so I'll pay you well."

You tilted you're head in a 'how well and who and where kinda way' He smiled and continued.

"500 bucks," He said. You're eyes widened, Jesus!

"Deal. Who and where?" I asked a little bit louder. He tilted his head upwards at a mountain.

"The Kamados. They live up there, and no backing down now," he said after seeing the look of shock on my face "we made a deal and it's not THAT bad."

I sighed. Whatever, I'll just... be really awkward and make them not like me. Like I usually do... I refuse to interfere!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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