Ben did not stop trying for a moment and now he's in my lap out of breath. While he did not escape his accidental blanket cocoon, he did manage to get his head out.

"Aww Princess, did you want cuddles?" I say embracing him.

"Fuck off you oaf," He says struggling in a weird way different from how he was before.

I decide to press my luck and pull him closer instead.

"Let me go," He whines drawing out the O.

Eventually, he realizes there's no escape and falls slack against me. I slip into his cocoon and admire the heat coming from his body. He falls asleep rather quickly reminding me of the lack of sleep he got last night. I try to lay still keeping in mind that he's a light sleeper. He sighs contentedly and wiggles into my arms furtherly. I don't even dare breathe, in fear that'll I'll wake him up. Soon I fall asleep as well.

~fuck pretty time skips~

I wake up first. Overnight my arms had loosened around him so now they sit gently at his torso clutching him to my chest. At some point last night he had shifted to face me and I can feel his soft breaths tickling the tip of my nose. After a moment he nestles closer breathing on my neck. I consider my options.

Option one: Get up so he never sees me. A fantastic option the only issue i see with it is the possibility he'll wake up.

Option two: Pretend to be asleep so when he wakes up he thinks I never notice. The best idea yet, more time to cuddle with him without him knowing I chose to. I see no downsides.

Option three: Wake him up yourself and crack a joke about him. I don't see any downsides to this either but the only upside is avoiding someone else finding us before.

So I guess there is one downside to Option two, but I decide the upsides outweigh it. I almost wish for a moment he hadn't moved because I can't see his face, but he's so close. Suddenly he twitches.

Benjamin Richards

I wake up feeling especially warm and I almost burrow further into it until I remember why it's so warm. I (almost against my will and better judgment) notice he smells like cinnamon candy, and slowly get off of him. He's still asleep, my sisters alarm goes off in the other room and he starts to stretch I run over to my closet to act like I wasn't just staring at him while he slept like a creep.

"Morning princess," With a slight, tired, husk to his voice.

"Good morning bane of my existence," I greet, my voice slightly squeaky despite my mental protest.

I can almost feel him raising an eyebrow behind me. Instead of turning to look, I busy myself with finding clothes. I settle on a dark blue pair of jeans and a normal white shirt, with a black zip-up hoodie over it. When I look in the mirror I realize I fell asleep with my glasses on and now have no idea where they are. I glance around near my bed and don't find anything.

"Well, I guess I'm not driving today," I groan.

"How bad is your eyesight?" He asks the suppressed laughter clear in his voice, I squint at him as he walks to the other side of the room to fuck with me.

"Am I blurry?"

"Shut up,"

Alices barges in, "Ooo are we making fun of his vision? Can I join?" I glare at the blobs across the room.

Alice holds four fingers up, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"That's not how it works, four you dumb fuck," I say.

I decide to stop putting up with their shit and walk out.

"Oh, hey Benjamin ," my mother greets not looking up from what ever she's doing.

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