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Tobias Dean

We start towards the food court. When we finally get there it's unnecessarily crowded so I have to let Ben down from my shoulders and it takes way too long to acquire our pretzels but once we finally get them and take a bite out of the pretzel it feels worth it. Ben grabbed a few cheese cups and even was nice enough to grab me one too so I dip it into the cup happily. He relaxes back into the chair and munches contentedly on the salty snack.

Unexpectedly someone squeals. "Toby!"

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"  I question the girl who had run up to us.

I notice Ben shift uncomfortably but leave it because he doesn't say anything about it.

"Aren't you," She laughs flirtatiously but it kinda just grinds on my nerves. 

Her hair is dyed brown which is odd because most natural blonds don't change their hair. I can tell because the roots are blond in a shitty way, not an intentional way. She decides to invade my space for no clear reason and places a hand on my shoulder,

She whistles confusing me, but not Ben who sinks into his seat. Two girls and a guy who seems uncomfortable in his own skin run over. The guy fakes confidence but it's easy for anyone whose paying attention to see he doesn't want to be there. The girl makes a jerking motion to Ben with her head and the dude and girl approach him. Both the people she sent over lean down and whisper into Ben's ear.  He stands up and leans down to my ear.

"I'll be at the boba shop," He mutters with a forced smile, He then diverts his attention back to the girl whose hand hasn't moved from my shoulder "Bye Lizzie,"

Lizzies guy friend guides Ben away from our table with a tight grip on his shoulder and one of Lizzie's other friends follows. The remaining friend takes Ben's seat across from the tables 

Lizzie slides into my lap and I croon around her to watch Ben leave. She lets me watch for a few seconds before grabbing my face with both hands and forcing me to make eye contact with her. I furrow my brows and she runs a thumb of one of the offending hands down my cheek.

"What the fuck is happening,"

"I could ask you the same babes," She pouts in a way that genuinely strikes fear in me, "Ben is clearly hitting on you?"

"He has a girlfriend," I ask confused as fuck, "And why should you care?"


"'Well' what I didn't even know your name till Princess greeted you," I say staring at the girl sitting on my lap.

"But we dated in 10th grade?"

I rack my brain trying to figure out what she's talking about. I do eventually figure it out.

"Elizebeth Moris?" I ask holding back laughter, "I fucked you 3 times and that's what you thought?"

Her eyes start to cloud with tears.

I raise an eyebrow. Ben and the people who guided him over suddenly appear out of nowhere holding boba.

"Tobias you did not just make this girl cry," Ben shakes his head at me disappointment clear on his face.

Lizzie stands up from my lap and Ben holds his arms open for her and hugged her while giving me a dirty look.

"She was just talking shit about you?" I ask bewildered.

"That doesn't mean you make her cry," He glares.

Almost as if the world is out to get me, Evelyn pops up behind them and shoots a death glare at Lizzie.

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