Chapter 4

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Charlie POV

I was in the mall buying groceries splendor told he ask me to buy all recipes for baked stuff who that he want make people happy the field yesterday and the slender mansion Splenda have bake all the lot of things
Jeffrey happy missing the long days he told me he was visit China spreading happiness and then he have a piece of paper I don't know something is fishy and every time then I bump by someone he look like he blame himself anytime he said sorry and I said no I'm sorry he said it's ok that happened to me strange wow there is lot of strange people there's a lot of stuff happened here last time Jeffrey told me there was a creature call a Karen bullying baby zalgo even he is in his human form he's different I sigh how there's not enough nice people in the world

Jeff the hugger POV

What the frick I how I get there

spring POV

I change channels and after channels I sigh there's nothing on I saw hoodie you look at me and pointed TV you want to watch with me
He nodded I roll my eyes and my mask and smile it's the first time a marble hornet  have watching TV with me
it's kind of silly and people think he's a creepypasta and work for Slender Man
Well he stay in Slender mansion so that means he have nowhere else to go he said I don't wanna spend time with masky I look to him and ask a question why not don't tell me it's about Christmas he nodded I said Brian that was last year I thinking now you have a big fear of forks and heights he pointed the TV I smile so you want to watch My Little Pony shocking Jeff the Killer want to watch with us hope there's no weird stuff happened to Charlie 😑

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