chapter 3

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Jeff the hugger POV  after I get all the stuff making pancakes and the slender mansion I feel someone me I heard someone walking behind me cover my eyes in his hands guess who is it I smile x how you know he feel a little annoyed come on answer for high-rise you know I have reflexes  x virus how you know Jeff the killer's cousin and also some stories about me I have reflexes is doubly true that's reason I want you to ask can you help me please don't tell me you will make a virus we already have a virus please he said can you spend time with me a little bit I smile can you spend time making pancakes with me I feel excitement yes I smile what's the secret gradient I have next blueberry and raspberry he said no poisoned no I after that can we look in plants we can spend time x virus POV
Cis smile he said yes even his heart and he doesn't have his happy pills and it is dangerous last time he didn't get it he turned violent and aggressive it's better he stay happy and that's my joy

Carnival POV

I smell pancakes and I saw two  lovebirds come I saw them come on Jeffrey he have a big crush on you the best thing I wear my mask even I saw my brother we never show like emotions and we were a mask it's a good thing we are counterparts a hoodie and masky

Jeff the hugger POV I saw Carnival I know x-virus have a crush on me he's the only boy said I'm not scary we collect plants and sometimes poison ivy Toby have stalking us the good thing as x-virus best partners after I finished the pancakes and the pastors loving it Jeff the hugger POV I saw Carnival I know x-virus have a crush on me he's the only boy said I'm not scary we collect plants and sometimes poison ivy Toby have stalking us the good thing as x-virus best partners after I finished the pancakes and the pastors loving it and joy a lot spending time with him x virus
I saw Charlie Sloth stuffed animal black and white what's up for him and I pick up Charlie stuff animal is very creepy
his real name

Charlie POV Jeffy it told me where you get it by China I told him and it was cheap and you bought it and the internet he told me promise you don't show it for my little bro ok can I please have my black and white bear back

Jeff the hugger POV he's weird I still love him x-virus well I do have a sister and brother won't stop fighting

Spring POV I hope they ask out they are so cute together I love couples stories and definitely Romeo and Juliet twister and they both died the best him as slender man doesn't control x-virus I hope they will kiss speaking of hope I wonder where is that crazy girl travel different dimensions and I also wonder where is the the observer and looky they mentioned a plan maybe it's not crazy like the last time and crazy like EJ and cj

Thank you guys I can go to practice work 😊 and I won't stop writing it I don't do ship a lot and did it work thank you I don't know I will get it right I have always done well hope surprising a lot

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