When Sabo come out of the room he sat next to Marco in the sofa, both waiting for Ace to finished what he's cooking so all three of them could eat.

"So, what's the theme this time?" Sabo asked as he flips through the channel mindlessly.

"Ah. It's called The Most Precious thing....for you or something like that-yoi" He smiled and Sabo furrowed his eyebrows at that.

"I know what you're thinking-yoi. Trust me, I want to take a picture of my family very much but come on man it's given that my family is precious to me but I want something new. And heck, everyone's doing it-yoi! I want something unique!" Ace came up with food on hand and put it on the coffee table.

"He's artistic side strike again.." Ace plopped down on the other side of the sofa so Marco's sandwich between the brothers.

"I just really can't find that something..."

"Marco you already trekked the mountains and you still came up with nothing?" The freckled man asked as he munches down his food.

"Well that's the problem and tomorrow's the deadline-yoi." He sighed exasperatedly.

"Just take a picture of this food and put a deep quote in it then bam! its artsy and you can submit it in no time!" Ace grinned at him and Marco hits his head.

"I don't do half-assed things like you Portgas." Before they could even start arguing with each other Sabo interrupted them.

"But seriously, what are you going to do? It's already 7pm and I doubt you could still trek another mountain though." Marco just sighed. Honestly, he really doesn't know what to do. Their work will be exhibitted at the campus tomorrow and the one with the best photograph will win some cash and will be able to work with one of the famous photographer in town. He really wants his best work to be displayed because many scouts and artists will visit and he could be recognized as a photographer, so he can't really do a half-assed work.

"I don't know man, I'll try to look later. I'm tired-yoi" Might as well go with Ace's idiotic plan though. He really doesn't want to do this homework like that but he got no choice at the moment. Before he asked for not-so-stupid-suggestions from Sabo they heard the doorbell rang.

The brothers looked at each other and grinned. That must be Luffy. They raced towards the door and Marco remained on his seat. It's impossible not to know the girl's face since the two brothers always, because like almost everyday they would shove the girl's picture to his face and bragged about how cute she is so; it almost feels like he really knows the girl because of their stories.

He admits, the girl is pretty cute in the photos but what he didn't expect was this. He looked at the siblings' backs and noticed the petite figure of the girl. Huh. Guess she's pretty tiny after all. When he saw how the brothers hugged the girl and twirl her around, he almost felt like his heart stopped when he heard a joyous laughter that's nothing compared to the golden bell.

"Shishishishi." The girl continued on grinning even after her brothers put her down.

They heard a sharp intake of breath and they all look at the blond "This is it.." He mumbled. He saw it. The most precious thing. He can't believe he was actually considering Ace's little idea awhile ago. What the hell is wrong with him?! He saw it now, the smile that's nothing compared to the radiance of the sun. Damn. It's the most precious thing indeed.

Ace and Sabo just stared at Marco. No. They don't like the look on his face, that look indicates that his artistic sense is on and he's pretty much focused on his art interest. Sabo followed Marco's gaze and his face contorted.

"No." Sabo glared at Marco which surprises Ace and then it dawned on him.

"You don't mean.." He looked at his sister. No. Not her. "You can't!" The freckled man shouted at the blond.

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