"You, the floor, that tree, security camera, and a wall." Noah says after he looks around for a second.

"Okay, you're doing good Noah. Now I need you to tell me four things that you can feel right now, and go into a bit of detail if you're able to." I say.

"Cold wall behind me, your warm arm on my shoulder, my rough pants, the cold floor under me." Noah says.

"You're doing amazing, Noah. You're doing so good. Now, I need you to tell me three things you hear." I say as I grab his hand.

"Your voice, my breathing, and the television from the other room." Noah says, sounding calmer now.

"Okay, now I need you to touch two parts of your body." I say.

I watch as Noah touches his face, leg, and hand.

"Okay baby, one more thing. I need you to tell me one thing you smell." I say.

"Your perfume" Noah says.

"Okay, you did amazing Noah. Do you feel better now?" I ask Noah.

"Much better Y/n. Thank you so much. I love you." Noah says with a slight smile.

"You're welcome Noah. I love you too. Are you ready to go ride the zipline now?" I ask him.

"Yeah." Noah says as he stands up. He grabs my hand and helps me up. We go back into the lobby where everyone is waiting.

"You guys okay?" Winona asks.

"We are now." Noah says as he squeezes my hand.

Lisa walks us to the room where the zipline starts.

"Is there any sort of like double harnesses so that we can go together?" Noah says, making sure that Lisa sees us holding hands.

"Theres ones for a parent and child, but not for clingy boyfriends." Lisa says smartly, making sure to give me a dirty look.

"And I don't think your fat new girlfriend could fit on a double harness with you even if we had any." She finishes

"Uhm bitch who the hell are you talking about cuz I know it isn't Y/n." Millie yells, her face is getting really red.

"Ohh this is Y/n? When I was dating Noah a couple years ago he told me there was nothing to worry about with you. You fucking liar." She says as she pokes Noah in the chest.

Lisa keeps screaming at Noah.

I remember something my dad used to say 'if you wanna fight someone, agitate them until they throw the first punch. Then beat their ass.'

I run over to Gaten.

"Gaten, I need you to start recording this, im gonna start saying things that are gonna make her really mad, and I need proof that she touched me first in case the cops are called." I say.

"What the fuck Y/n? You can't do that!" Gaten says.

"Gaten, I've wanted to beat this bitch up for a long time, and as long as she initiates the fight, I'm legally only defending myself. Its either you record it, and I beat her ass, and I don't get sent to juvi, or you don't record it, I beat her ass and I do get sent to juvi, which one?" I say talking really fast.

Gaten pulls out his phone as I walk over to Lisa.

"Hey Lisa, how about you stop harassing my boyfriend and come talk to the actual person you're having problems with you cunt!" I shout.

"Okay, let's talk then!" She says while walking towards me.

"Noah told me all about how you cheated on him. You broke his fucking heart. You're just a clout chasing slut. You were just hoping you wouldn't get caught cheating until after you and Noah announced your relationship to everyone." I say.

Lisa walks closer towards me.

"What did you say bitch?" She yells at me.

"Need me to speak louder deaf bitch? YOURE A CLOUT CHASING SLU-" I get cut off by a fist to the face.

She can't even punch very hard. "Is that all you've got?" I say as I stand back up.

"Lets go bitch." I say under my breath as I pull my fist back and launch it full force into Lisa's face. As she fell to the ground, her nose started bleeding.

"Come on! Get back up!" I say.

She stands up. Her balance is really bad, so when she comes in with another hit, she misses. I shove her into the wall and get a few hits on her.

I remember something else he taught me.. 'Theres no point of a fight if the person you're fighting doesn't get a couple of good moves. Step back a bit, Y/n. Let the person try to hit you, but always push yourself to be stronger than them.'

I walk back a little, giving her the chance to get a good hit on me. She punches me once in the face, and once in the gut.

Compared to fighting with people at school, this bitch is nothing. You can tell she focuses more on looking healthy than she does actually being healthy.

"You're so fucking weak, holy shit. I'm not even using a quarter of my strength, and you're still weaker! Are you ready to give up or do I need to knock some more sense into you?" I ask.

"You fucking bitch!" She yells before headbutting me.

I hear a ringing in my ears, and my body feels kinda light. I fall onto the ground, Lisa has the upper hand now.

She punches me a couple of times, but I use a really good wrestling move to get back on top of her. I get a couple of really good hits before I decide enough is enough.

I got to beat her ass, and I'm not gonna get in trouble for it.

I look at my hands, they're covered in blood, I can't tell if its mine or Lisa's.

"Oh my God, Y/n are you okay?" Millie asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, she's weak as fuck. I've been hurt worse in wrestling tournaments." I say laughing.

"Okay, well let's go get you cleaned up, sweetie." Winona says.

Millie, Sadie, and Winona take me to the bathroom while Maya and Priah go up to the front counter to get first aid products.

Winona turns the water on and wets a paper towel. She gently dabs it on my face, wiping off any blood.

Maya and Priah come into the bathroom and hand Sadie the first aid kit. She had to learn proper first aid for the show since she had to learn how to skateboard for her roll.

After a few minutes, Sadie and Winona finally finished helping me, and we went back outside the bathroom.

I walked into the lobby and gave Noah a hug.

"Lets go back to the hotel for a bit, okay?" He says.

A/n this chapter took 3 days to write- hope you enjoy! Have a great day or night xoxo Renny.

Word count: 1667

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