He felt his heart flutter at the way Felix almost choked on the air. His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened in an almost hungry manner.

Hyunjin leaned back, feeling incredible smug and not at all nervous anymore.

"Now it's your turn."
Felix quickly closed his mouth, sinking before he was able to talk. "I..." he blushed again, but he still kept going. "I want that" he admitted. "-I want you to look at me like you do when we dance, the way you did this morning. I want you to take control and use me."

The last sentence came out as a whisper, and with Felix's dark voice it was like a call from an angel.

Hyunjin's confidence grew steadily and he couldn't even remember a reason to be nervous. This was Felix.

He moved closer on the couch and lifted a hand to stroke the others freckled cheek. Felix leaned in to the touch, slightly parting his lips when Hyunjin's thumb caressed them.

"I never been with another man before" he quietly warned, but Felix just nodded.

"I know."
"Hmm" Hyunjin hummed, continuing to stroke the soft, red lips. "-and if you ever need me to stop with anything, and I mean anything Yongbokie, you'll say stop."

Felix nodded again, his eyes slowly becoming fogged.

"I need your words baby" Hyunjin asked.

"I understand" Felix whispered.

Hyunjin nodded in satisfaction. "Good, because nothing else will stop me. I want you baby."
Felix practically shivered as Hyunjin pressed his thumb in between his lips and placed it on his warm tongue.

He hadn't even needed to ask. Felix was one it seconds later, sucking his finger in the same manner he had sucked on the ice cubes earlier. It was so cute and so hot at the same time that Hyunjin just wanted to take him right then and there, but he needed to go slow and perhaps also in a bedroom and not on a couch.

He allowed himself the pleasure of his little finger-show a couple more seconds before pulling it out and smearing the saliva over Felix's chin. He smiled smugly at the tiny groan erupting from the other's throat as he took both of his hands down to his belt and slowly pulled it out of the loops.

"Hands baby" Hyunjin asked in a low tone, making Felix obey immediately.

He stretched out both hands and watched with wide eyes as Hyunjin closed the belt around his wrist, holding them like a dog in a leash.

"Come" he ordered, slowly standing up.

Felix followed, his gaze not leaving the others as he slowly dragged him towards his bedroom.


"I want to tell the others."
Felix lifted his head from where he had rested it on Hyunjin's naked chest. His hair was ruffled and his lips used and red. Hyunjin felt very proud of the sight.

"You want to tell them what exactly?" Felix asked, sounding content and hoarse.

Hyunjin lifted a hand to fiddle with the neckline of the sweater that Felix had insisted on keeping on, to Hyunjin's big disappointment.

"I know we haven't actually put words on it yet, but that we are together somehow" he explained, still musing over how much the sweater offended him.

He guessed Felix was too insecure to show his naked chest and stomach, but it was frustrating since Hyunjin knew he would love what was underneath. He had certainly loved everything else.

Felix lifted himself on to his elbows looking down at Hyunjin with a big smile. "Really? You want to tell them?"

Hyunjin bit his lip thinking. "I mean, I want to be able to be with you even though they are there, so yeah."

Felix made a series of cute noises that had Hyunjin dying of heartfelt laughter. He pulled him closer, their naked legs tangling together under the covers.

"We can tell them whenever you feel ready" he promised before kissing the freckled cheeks.

Felix sighed happily and lifted his lips to kiss him properly. Hyunjin had nothing against that as he wrapped his arms around the body above him to pull him even closer. The sweater once again bothered him immensely, but he could feel the hard abs underneath, and he would have to be grateful for what he could get.

The sound of the front door opening and Chans very loud call startled them both. Soon after the loud chatting from the rest of the boys could be heard.

Hyunjin pulled away reluctantly, already feeling new heat pool together in his lower stomach.

"We're back guys!" Chan called again, as loudly as if he thought they lived in another building.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and sat up. Felix had quickly jumped off him and was now scrambling to finds his pants on the floor. Hyunjin admired the sight for a second before pulling his shirt over his head. He tried flattening his hair as he looked for his pants as well. 


They stepped out of the room together. The rest of the boys had already sprawled out in the living room, shooting quick greeting in their direction, not blinking an eye about the way Hyunjin had his arm around the youngers waist. Only Chan looked at them with a knowing glance that instantly made Hyunjin blush.

"Had a good time?" he quickly asked, trying to distract the other.

"Indeed" Han answered loudly before throwing a plushie at Felix's head.

"I won this for you Yongbokie."

Felix barely caught it, but he smiled at Han when he pulled in into a hug. "Thanks."

Minho stood up and grabbed Han with him. "We have an early day tomorrow. We should all eat something and go to bed."
"Dinner!" Changbin exclaimed happily and jumped to his feet after the two others.

"Good idea" Chan agreed looking back at Felix. "Will you help me? We have some rice we can fry, but you're better at seasoning than me."

Hyunjin could feel Felix tense up again and he was just about to stroke his back comfortably, but his next words surprised him enough to forget about it.

"Me and Hyunjin are together" he blurted out making the whole room quiet.

Hyunjin turned towards him with a little scowl. "Don't use this to get out of eating" he whispered, but Felix shrugged him off.

"I wanted to tell them."
Han blinked in confusion. "Yes? Me and Minho are as well. We are all together in fact? What are you on about..."

"I don't think that's what he means" Seungmin commented eyeing them suspiciously.

That made Minho nod with a silent sound of understanding, nothing happening on his face. "Makes sense" he said before continuing to the kitchen as if nothing had happened.

"You're dating... each other?" Changbin asked pointing at them to clarify.

Hyunjin and Felix both nodded.

"Alright then" Changbin mumbled before giving them a thumps up and following Minho to the kitchen.

"That's so cute!" Han commented and jumped slightly up and down.

The rest of the boys didn't seem to have anything to say, but they all smiled at them nevertheless. Hyunjin felt very lucky as he pulled Felix closer and kissed his temple.


Lots and love to you for reading. I hope you have an amazing day.   

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