- what it's like being their significant other.

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— finney blake.

^ obv from the title this will always be the case in this preference.

➭ he watches everything you do closely, watching your every move without ever getting bored. you're so beautiful to him that he could never get bored or tired of you.
➭ ^^ but when he gets caught staring at u, this boy gets so incredibly flustered. his face goes red and his hands form fists as he's embarrassed even though you're his partner.
➭ it takes him a while to warm up to you. he's not used to physical affection, especially from a romantic point of view. gwen gives him hugs but it's obviously not the same as a girlfriend.
➭ he'd actually be quite protective. if his bullies ever said anything to you, he'd get quite defensive without thinking of the consequences.
➭ no doubt, he'd take a beating from his bullies for you. if they threatened to hurt you, he'd do whatever it takes to protect you even if it meant that he'd get hurt.
➭ you'd see him all bruised up the next day, and he'd just say „ oh- yeah, it was just them being assholes again "
➭ you always ask him for the answers and he gives you a look, like 'seriously? you don't know this?' and jokingly lectures you afterwards.
➭ his love language is physical affection but he's so afraid to show it. you'd have to do it first, but if you were obviously too shy then he would make himself do it.
➭ loves hand holding so much but always worries about if he has sweaty/clammy hands.
➭ he blushes when you're just sitting next to him, imagine if u hugged him or something..
➭ you guys hugged for the first time and he was so happy ): he smiled so big for the rest of the day.
➭ when you both finally get really comfortable around each other, you guys are a lot more affectionate towards each other.
➭ constant hand holding, no matter the place. under the desk, under a blanket, walking home, hanging out, at a cinema, yeah, anywhere.
➭ his dad wouldn't know you guys were a thing and possibly wouldn't know of you at all. if he knew of you though, he'd be skeptical and want you to stay away from finney in hopes that you guys wouldn't date. he is protective is all.
➭ ^^ however, after finney's kidnapping, he became less skeptical and realised how happy you make finney. he began to care less if you guys were dating or not, though he didn't know.
➭ you attend all of his baseball games which makes him really happy. he glances at you to see if you're watching him during games and you always are which makes his heart skip a beat or two. he smiles at you before returning to his game.
➭ you guys have sleepovers a lot since finney absoloutely hates being away from you. finney told his dad he was staying at robin's.
➭ when your parents make you guys sleep & turn the lights out, finney crawls into your bed and you guys talk under the covers with finney's cute little rocket trinket thing as the only light.
➭ eventually, you guys fall asleep under the blanket & your parents find you guys under there in the morning & think it's the cutest thing they'd ever seen.
➭ if you had a pet, finney would love it, no matter what it was. one of the first things he'd do when he comes over is see your pet & play with it with you.
➭ sometimes finney sneaks out after fights with his dad and he comes and knocks on your window lightly, but loud enough for you to hear. he takes gwen sometimes too because he's scared that his father will do something to her.
➭ gwen loves you and looks up to you alot. she's so glad you and finney are a thing, she thinks you guys are one of those couples from books / movies.
➭ he walks to your house before school every day to walk with you to school. it makes him feel safe, and he also wants to make sure you get to school safely. especially if it's after the grabber, he'd always be worried about you, hardly ever letting you go anywhere alone, or being worried sick if you do.
➭ when he was taken, all he could think about was you. althought he was kidnapped and thought he was going to die, you were his main concern. were you okay? did someone hurt you? are you safe?
➭ you're the only person who knows about his home life other than maybe robin. you cried when he told you.
➭ when you're sad, he's really good at comforting you because he's been comforting gwen for years after she gets beaten or yelled at by their dad.
➭ finney honestly would care about you more than he'd ever care about himself.
➭ would often get insecure when you talk to another boy who he'd consider 'attractive'. he'd get scared that you'd be taken from him easily because he thinks he's not good enough for you.
➭ you guys don't really cuddle, not when awake.. but when you guys are asleep, you both cuddle up to each other.
➭ he finds it really funny & cute when he makes you flustered. sometimes he'd take advantage of it and throw in a few teasing comments that'd fluster you more, and make you laugh.
➭ if you hang out and it gets dark, you guys lay a blanket out and go stargazing. he loves astronomy, so he tells you all of the stuff he sees and you just listen in awe, and ask a few questions.
➭ he probably tutors you in something. during tutoring, you just stare at him the whole time and say „ mhm.. " „ yes " „ ohh.. " to whatever he says. you're not even listening, you're too busy staring at him.
➭ ^^ he laughs at this which snaps you back to reality and you end up getting some work done.
➭ finney is always your partner in projects. you guys don't even have to worry about not being able to choose your own partner because even the teachers ship you, so they always pair you two together anyway.
➭ occasionally slips a note or two into your bag when you're not looking. it's just an „ i love you [ name ] " or „ remember to ________ ". a lot of reminders and cute little drawings or something because he knows you love his drawings.

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