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The school was a mess.

It usually was on Mondays. Between students tired of having partied the whole weekend and the ones who just didn't want to be there, there usually was no room for energy.
However this Monday was different. The normal partied out chaos had been taken over by a messier chaos.

Jay had tried to navigate through this day peacefully, but it had been impossible. Everywhere he went, he could only hear two words: Alpha and Jungwon.

And that had been enough to infuriate him. Jay could feel his bodily temperature being higher than usual. He could feel the anger clenching his fists and blinding him. Worst of all, on top of all this, he had a raging teeth pain.

He knew he had to control himself, so he ran away to the toilets every chance he had. It was a quieter place in which he could breathe again.

Hopefully, his awful day was coming to an end and Jay would be free to go home very soon.
The Omega was about to leave his cabin when he heard someone coming inside the bathroom. As it didn't really matter to him, he opened the door, only to end up face to face with someone.

You guessed it.

The only Alpha of this year was standing there, surprised. Now that they were so close, Jay couldn't help but notice how taller he was.
His eyes got lost in Jungwon's and for the first time of the day, he felt calm.

"Oh, sorry" said Jungwon.

That's when it hit Jay. The mango smell.
Jungwon's smell.
It was ridiculously overwhelming.

"No, it's nothing" Jay forced himself to mumble, stepping aside.

Before the Omega could add anything else, Jungwon broke their eye contact and entered the stall.


As soon as Jay left the toilet, anger took over him again, as suddenly as it had left him. The same anger that followed him during his bus ride towards the mall. After all, he did need to buy a new phone after having broken his the day before.

He entered the electronics store and looked at the options, which were pricier than he had imagined. Eventually, he found was he was looking for and purchased it.

That had helped too. Jay hated the old phone he was using. Of course, it had helped as an emergency phone, but it was so old and slow that Jay couldn't stand using it another minute.

He stopped at the bench in front of the store and proceeded to take the SIM card out of the old phone and place it into the brand new one.
He started downloading the apps he needed, but as it would take some time to get everything ready, Jay decided to buy something to drink.

He left the mall and headed towards his favorite convenience store. They had the milk tea he loved and the universe knew how much he deserved his favorite milk tea after the last few days. He simply hoped that the sugar wouldn't make his teeth pain worst

The double door of the store opened up and Jay noticed it was more crowded that usual.

Probably a lottery event.
Perhaps someone won the big prize?

Jay let a smile make its way on his lips. He just needed his drink, he wasn't interested in lottery.
The cold bottle in hand, he walked towards the register, only to understand what was truly going on in the store.

The crowd was looking at someone in the storage room thought a glass door. That said someone was talking to someone older.
Now, usually Jay wouldn't have been able to hear what they were talking about, but that was before his Awakening.
He closed his eyes and focused his mind and ears on Jungwon's shape, in front of him.

Awakened - Jaywon FFWhere stories live. Discover now