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Sunday morning meant one thing for the Parks: Pancakes!

Jay woke up to their delicious smell and got up. He still had his phone in hand, as he had fallen asleep scrolling it last night. The latter was out of battery, so Jay plugged it and headed for the kitchen.

The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful, as if the Ritual hadn't taken place the day before. Jay decided to roll with it. He didn't want to get upset again. Plus, there was a pile of pancakes waiting for him, why would he be upset?

The family sat and ate together. The father shared news about his brother, but Jay only listened with one ear.
He really wanted to check Jungwon's instagram again.

To be honest he had done that the whole evening before falling asleep. Out of the 12 pictures on the Alpha's account, 9 were selcas, 2 were landscapes one and the last one was a picture of him and two of his friends.
Jay had gone through all the likes and the comments, mostly from two people, who Jay assumed to be the friends in the last picture. Jay didn't know them. Perhaps were they younger.. or older than them.
One thing was sure, they weren't on stage with them at the Ritual.

Jay realized he had zoned out when he felt his mother's eyes on him.

"Hum?" he asked, looking at her.
"No, nothing" she replied, looking away.

Jay frowned but didn't ask. He himself had had weird reactions since his Awakening. Who was he to question other's weird reactions?

As Jay's mother had prepared the pancakes, her boys cleaned the table and did the dishes. As soon as they were done, Jay excused himself.
He jumped on his now charged phone and opened up instagram.

However something was wrong.

He closed the app and opened it again, sure that their had been some sort of bug. He clicked on Jungwon's account and there it was again.

His last selca had now 13'890 likes.

Jay remembered very well that the very same selca only had 52 likes the night before. On top of it, the comments had been gone from 2 to 3846.

Jay's eyes opened widely as he scrolled through them.

"Jungwon oppa, notice me"
"Love uuu"
"So handsome"
"True Alpha"
"Marry me"

Jay felt disgusted, and those were the softest comments he saw. In horror, he saw that the same had happened to every post.
They had ruined Jungwon's instagram in one night.

Jay was so angry that he almost threw his phone through the room. If they had invaded Jungwon's posts, he didn't even want to imagine his dms.

The Omega closed his eyes.

He didn't know how he felt. Some part of him wanted to scream. This fame should have been his. He had been born to be an Alpha.
However, somehow, he also felt bad for Jungwon. It had been clear that the latter wasn't at ease as Alpha... at least during the Awakening, Jay had felt that.
Now Jungwon had no choice. Everyone knew.


Jay tried to focus on his homework, but a tornado of emotion kept bothering him. Between anger, jealousy, sadness, and disgust, it had been difficult to focus.

After an hour, Jay decided he needed a break. He needed to clear his head.
So he did the most stupid thing someone could do to clear their head. He opened instagram.

In an hour, Jungwon's posts had tripled in likes. He had gained so many followers as well. It was almost surreal.

"YAAAAAA" shouted Jay, angrier than before, and throwing his phone for real this time.

As soon as the device hit the wall, Jay woke up from his anger and regretted what he had just done.

"Jay?" asked his mother from outside of his bedroom. "Is everything okay?"

Jay closed his eyes before answering. He needed to take a deep breath.

"I got angry" he explained, trying to keep his voice calm. "Everything is okay."
"Alright" she replied, even though she didn't sound convinced.

Jay stood up, walking towards his phone, pathetically laying on the floor.
Jay picked it up, and unfortunately yet predictably, the phone was broken.

"Shit" he whispered.

Jay managed to save his SIM card and put it in an old phone he had kept. This one was slow but it was better to use it rather than having no phone at all.

Having broken his phone had definitely calmed Jay. It had showed him the consequences of his feelings being multiplied and he got scared of it.
Today he had broken a phone, and he didn't want to see how far his rage could bring him.


Jay had forced himself not to check instagram again. He really didn't want to get upset again. He had maintained this decision for hours, but at night, temptation grew unbearable.
He should have been asleep already, but Jay found himself downloading the app and logging in.
He then wrote Jungwon's name on the research bar, but nothing appeared.


Jay kept trying for a solid five minutes before getting desperate again. With a huge sigh he left instagram and opened his chat app.


Can I ask a favor?

What's up?

You're fast

Yeah, was talking with Beomgyu

With Beomgyu 😏?

Soobinshii 🐰
Shut up
What do you need?

Could you look up Jungwon's insta please?
The id is Woniesworld

Give me a sec

Jay saw Soobin leave the chat and waited. It didn't take long for a little online to appear next to Soobin's name.

I can't find it

Okay that confirms it

What happened?

Jungwon deleted his account
People invaded the comments

Wow, that's rough
But how do you know that?

Jay stopped. He needed a good answer to that question.

Are you sure that you're just jealous of Jungwon's Awakening?

Shut up

Sorry, force of habit
But yeah, maybe you should think about it
Cause I think it's not jealousy

I'm not talking to you anymore

Soobinshii 🐰
Suit yourself
But you know I'm right

Jay looked at the screen of his old phone. Soobin's words hurt him, so he decided to ignore them.

He was way too confused.
Plus it was just jealousy.

He wanted to be an Alpha. He wasn't. Jungwon was.
Simple math. Just jealousy.

Awakened - Jaywon FFWhere stories live. Discover now