Step II: Family

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"Andre?" His Mom's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Andre took a few tepid steps towards them, standing opposite the couch they sat on. His Ma had cut her hair into a bob that she routinely died a rich violet. He thought he could see a hint of gray creeping into his Mom's hair. They were his world, his roots. He didn't know anyone who could be better parents or possibly call themselves his family. He began to chew his lip nervously while his parents gathered their strength for the next inevitable blow. His Ma squeezed his Mom's hand and lifted her face from where it had been obscured. She sat up straight, suddenly feeling very formal. It made Andre even more uncomfortable. He began to shift with his feet, swaying slightly.

"Would you like to know about your birth too?" His Ma asked. When Andre gave a jerky nod, she continued. "You do know that we love you no matter what?" Another quick nod. There was no hesitation in the acceptance of that statement. "And we are here if you want to have support or..." now his Ma glanced quickly at the ceiling where Elizabeth's room was, then back to him. "Or if you want to be alone." Andre considered for a second what he might want, but it depended on the results, he supposed. However, he felt like he already knew.

"They're dead too, aren't they?" Andre said the words bluntly. They didn't feel as sharp since they were, ultimately, strangers to him from a time before he was aware of existing. His moms confirmed as much.

"No! No," she reached out and pulled his head to her chest. He could hear her heart hammering, matching his own. "We adopted Elizabeth, but I gave birth to you, Andre. I carried you for nine months and pushed you out, and your Mom supported me the entire way."  He felt another hand lightly grip his shoulder, and he assumed it was his Mom.

"You were so small when you were born," his Mom added. "The doctors fussed over you, and we thought you were a gift from above."

"You immediately reached for my finger and grabbed it with both of your hands," his Ma recited with more tears prepping to overflow. Andre pulled his head away so he could look them both in the eyes.

"I did?" His voice squeaked a bit at the end which made him cringe but his parents only smiled gently.

"Yes," his Mom continued for his Ma, who was busy sniffling. "You chose us. I may not have given birth to you, but when you held my finger, I felt like you adopted me." Andre gave a final slow nod at the two older faces that were full of nothing but love and devotion for him. He opened his arms and gave them both a huge hug. He honestly didn't feel the same as Elizabeth did about the truths behind their births. His circumstances were slightly different, but their family hadn't changed. 

"Thank you for telling us. Thank you for telling me. I'm gonna go and try to talk to Elizabeth," he told both his moms. They had agreed that might be best. Although his Ma wanted to go to her too, they decided to continue to give her time to digest it away from them. It was better for both parties that way. Andre agreed. Only a sibling could be here for her now. He took the stairs two at a time then rapped lightly at the door.

"GO AWAY!" Elizabeth screamed-cried through the door. Andre tried the doorknob and found it open. So, she did want someone to come check on her. He swung it open slowly and it was a good thing that he did. The loud thump of a sneaker hitting his shield made him pop his head and stick his tongue out.

"Ya missed!" Andre was proud when a small smile crawled across his big sister's features for a moment. Even if it just as quickly became a scowl, it had been there.

"Go away," Elizabeth insisted and burrowed deeper into her blankets. Andre closed the door behind him and walked carefully into the door, ready to dodge future projectiles. He took an encouraging breath, debating the various courses of action before him. Should he sit gently beside her lumpy form on the bed and try to coax her out? Should he listen to her pleas and go away to his room? Or should he give her a brotherly 'nudge'? Andre went with option C, striding towards the bed and launching himself atop it. Both siblings made an 'oomph' as his adolescent body hit the blanket lump.

Ocean Boy (TSU x Our Life Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant