Arranged marriage

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POV Marinette:

In 15 minutes, I have a boring violin lesson at home, exactly in the instruments room alone.

I turned 22 years already, and I never left my house, absolutely never. Not even to the garden of our house.

My parents are one of the richest and successful doctors in all of France. They never give me any freedom, even to get off to my balcony. I was like a bird in a gold cage as our mansion cost at least two or three million.

I'm home schooled since I'm a little girl. I'm a nurse after a long year of studies at home and got my diploma also at home. I never had a childhood like any kid. I was alone, between four walls doing what my parents want but what they don't know is that I have fallen in love. I love someone that maybe I won't meet him.

His name is Luka couffaine, I had known him through a chatting application six months ago and since then we are always texting or even video call.

In our last video call, he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I accepted without hesitation. It's a distance relationship, even if he is also from Paris, I won't be able to meet him because my father had bodyguards all over the house.

I complained for my father about those bodyguards, and the only thing he said was that when I get married, then I will get rid of all of them and I can live happily with my beloved husband.

I'm dreaming to marry the one I love; I wish to marry Luka and no one else. It would be the best life.

I can dream of Luka cuddling me, kissing my lips and also make love. This feeling only makes me drool.

I was holding my violin, waiting for my music teacher, but instead of him, my parents get into the instruments room

Marinette: dad, mom. What's wrong?

Tom: get ready, your wedding is in one week

Marinette (while laughing): good joke dad

I looked at my parent's face and found the most serious look that I ever seen in my all 22 years. I also forget that my dad and mom don't joke with me at all

Marinette: y... you are kidding right?

Sabine: we don't. you are marrying our neighbor's son; he is 25 years old

Marinette: b... but why mom? Dad, explain

Tom: You belong to a very rich family, so you should marry someone who matches our level, and there is no family with such qualities as our neighbor's family, the Agrestes

Marinette: no way I marry him, he is a stranger, I don't know him, I don't want him. dad please I love someone else

Sabine: how could you love someone else and you never get out?

Marinette: c... chatting.

Tom: huuuh, such relationships are a waste of time. You know noting about love. You mom and me are married, and our parents had arranged the wedding for us

Marinette: yeah, that's why your both life is miserable, just work and sleeping, even love doesn't exist between you and ....

I couldn't finish what I say, but my dad slapped me as he left a print of a hand on my right cheek. It wasn't painful, but what was painful is that my freedom will be taken away again from the Agrestes that I know nothing about them except their last name and I had known it some minutes ago

Tom: The Agreste are already planning the wedding now

Sabine: their son will take you with him after the wedding to your new house

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