Chapter 35 | Spark (4)

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Their lips met again.

This time felt more rushed and impatient but it was intense and strong without being rough. As she felt him deeply penetrating her mouth, all sense of reason left her as she took in the wet sensation.

The fierce and powerful kiss left nothing but a torrid mess in her head.

It was as though all thoughts had been completely purged, leaving nothing but the senses laid bare.

The feeling of his hands climbing up her back, of being pressed into his body or the familiar scent of their kiss that she'd never forget. Even how the taste of him stuck to her mouth—it was like nothing else existed.

[Rienne] ".......?"

But their hectic kiss suddenly stopped.

As Rienne slowly opened her eyes in a daze, Black softly whispered towards her, his face still wet and glistening.

[Black] "Someone's here."

[Rienne] "What?"

He was right.

Knock, knock.

[Mrs. Flambard] "Are you awake, Princess?"

It was Mrs. Flambard.

[Rienne] "Oh.....Oh no."

She felt her cheeks burning up. Rienne panicked, placing her palms against Black's chest and pushing herself up.

[Rienne] "What do we do?"

As the fevered expression on his face began to cool down, Black watched Rienne for a moment before nodding once.

[Black] "Should I hide?"

[Rienne] "......Excuse me?"

[Black] "There's not enough room under the bed.........but there should be enough space on the window frame. That'll do."

[Rienne] ". . ."

Hearing those words, Rienne felt an unpleasant reminder cross her nose.

It wasn't long ago that she had to hide Rafit on the window frame in this very room. He was in a place where he shouldn't have been, and Rienne, given no choice but to hide him, felt deep shame over the matter.

It made her feel like some kind of dirty person, trying to cover up something they did wrong.

[Black] "Stall for time until I can hide."

Black moved to pull himself out of bed.

Rienne wasn't sure if he was purposefully talking about the window frame like this in order to remind her of what happened that day, but at least she was certain about one thing.

In order to preserve Rienne's honor, he was willing to hide himself out the window.

[Rienne] "No, you don't need to do something like that."

Sharing a bed with Black wasn't some disgraceful thing.

Black was her one and only fiancé. There was no reason to treat him like she did Rafit. In fact, it would be more shameful and dishonorable to try and hide him.

[Rienne] "We're engaged. It wouldn't be appropriate to force my fiancé to hide himself from the eyes of a maid. Not only would it be against etiquette, but it's also outright wrong."

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