I woke up the next day in the same outfit from yesterday and makeup on my pillow. I checked my clock. "SHIT!" I yelled looking at the time. 10:48. We have our interview at 12 and then our flight at 2. I ran to maddies door and pounded on it. "WAKE UP ITS THE DAY!" "SHIT!" I heard her yell from the other side. "GET READY!" I yelled. I went back to my room and hurried and got ready as fast as possible while still looking good. I wore jean shorts with a jamarr chase jersey tucked into the front with black Nike 270's. I put on some makeup and did my hair leaving it natural. I went into the living room dragging my suit case with me. "HURRY UP! YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES MAX ITS ALREADY 11:26!" i yelled.

Maddie came our dragging her suitcase too. We hurried to the car and put the suitcases in the trunk and got into the car. "I'm gonna have to speed so be aware.." I said pulling out of the parking spot. Once I was on the highway we were zooming. Eventually we made it to the building. It was the Fox News station in downtown Cincinnati. We made our way into the building and to the front desk. "We're here for the interview." I said. "Oh yes follow me" the lady led us to a room with a camera and a couch and a chair (where the interviewer would sit). Me and madison sat down onto the couch.

The interviewer came in and say down on the chair. He had multiple cards in his hand, probably to read of questions. "3! 2! 1! Live!" "Hello Cincinnati! Today we're are live with our two guests madison and Hannah who won the bengals tickets Facebook has given away! Introduce yourselves!" He said gesturing to us. "Hello! I'm madison I'm 20 years old and I've lived in Cincinnati my whole life and grew up here!" "Hey! I'm hannah and same as madison I've grown up in Cincinnati my whole life and have never lived anywhere else and I'm 19!" I said. "Okay first question, who's your favorite bengals players?" "Is that even a question" I said laughing. "Obviously jamarr chase!" I said. "Um no, Joe burrow is #1!" Madison said. "Are you stupid! Jamarrs number is 1 for a reason! Joe is good but my man is better!" I said. "Uhhh okay! Next question... how long have you each been a fan of the bengals?"

"We've both been fans as long as we can remember." Madison said. "Yes she's right, as people who've grown up in cinci their whole live we've been bengals fans forever." I said. "Okay last question, what's your guys predictions for the game this Sunday?" "Win!" We both said at the same time. "Obviously we will win and head straight into the super bowl!" I said. "Yes exactly! We will probably win by at LEAST 10 points" madison said. "And that concludes our interview with the Facebook giveaway winners! Make sure to say hi if you see them at the game this Sunday!" The interviewer said.

We left the news place around 1 and made our way to the airport. We made our way through all the boring stuff like security and finally got into our flight. It was around 3 hours.

Jamarr pov

I was sitting at my PC playing call of duty on stream when I got a call from joe. "Hold on guys joe is calling me" I said and muted myself. "What's up?" I asked Joe. "Have you seen the interview of the two girls who won the Facebook give away?" He asked. "Nah why?" I asked. "Turns our one loves me and one loves you!" Joe said laughing. "They went viral over fighting about us!" He said. "Let me go watch the video hold on" I said. "Hey guys im going to have to end stream but I'll be back next week!" I said ending the stream. I looked up the video and there it was. I began to laugh "damn joe she knows I'm better than you" "you better than me? Whos the star quarterback here?" Joe said. "You wouldn't be this far without me." I said. "Do you think we should invite them to our after party after the game tomorrow?" Joe asked. "Sure send the madison girl and DM and I'll DM hannah" I said. "Ight I'll let you know what she says" Joe said.

I hung up the calls and opened Instagram. I clicked on Hannah's profile and clicked on DMs. Apparently she's already dmed me before.

@lowkey4.hannah: JMARR I LOVE YOU

@lowkey4.hannah: Jamarr come to KI with me I'll pay you.

@lowkey4.hannah: your so hot

@lahjay10_: hey I saw your interview on Fox News and was wondering if you and your cousin would want to come to our afterparty on Sunday?  Free food, drinks, basically everything is free and payed for.

Hannah pov
We're about and hour into the flight and I'm already tired of it. "I'm tired of this No wifi shit I'm paying for the wifi!" I said grabbing the paper that has the information. I payed for the wifi and my phone started spamming with notifications, but the one that caught my eye was the one that said;

"Message from @lahjay10_ off Instagram"

"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!" I yelled. "HANNAH! Stop screaming we're on an airplane!" Madison yelled. "Jamarr fucking chase just messages me on Instagram!" I screamed opening the message.

@lahjay10_: hey I saw your interview on Fox News and was wondering if you and your cousin would want to come to our afterparty on Sunday?  Free food, drinks, basically everything is free and payed for.

"NOW WAY! Madison we are invited to the afterparty! OH MY GOD!" I yelled hitting her shoulder repeatedly. "WHAT! LET ME SEE YOUR PHONE!" She yelled grabbing my phone and reading the text. "HOLY SHIT! HANNAH THERES NO FUCKING WAY WE ARE GOING TO SEE JOE BURROW AND JAMARR CHASE!" Madison yelled. "oh. My. God! We can seriosuly TALK TO THEM IN REAL LIFE!" I yelled.

With more continuous fangirling and screaming the plane finally touched down. Me and Madison were practically shaking with excitement. The first step out of the flight and into the air port was like a breath of fresh air from the cramped plane. And the first step out of the airport into Kansas City was like entering a jungle. Bengals fans everywhere, but also a lot of chiefs fans. I realized I forgot to answer JAMARRS text so I answered with;

@lowkey4.Hannah: YES! How would we ever say no to that! Thank you so much for asking us! How would we get there?

This is the first chapter of my book "After Party" and I hope you enjoy it!! Please leave comments so I know how/what to improve in this story!
Thanks for reading !

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