" Aye how far is yall?" ceej ask as he takes the phone

" 30 mins ceejay. We ain't even left yet. Waking dray up aint easy" i tell him den spray dooda hair and brush his hairline. I get him off the counter and he goes to his room. I grab my phone and follow him.

" Hurry up. Yo momma brought the baby shower meatballs"

" Don't rush me. Im workin wit a half sleep 20 year old and excited 4 year old"

" WHAT IM POSED TA WEA?" dray yells


" Ion get how you doin all this and yall not married nor together"

" Because ion rush people like you do" i hang up. Atp dooda already got his clothes on. I put his earrings in and shoes on den lotion his legs and arms. I put vaseline on his face and lips. " Chain or no chain?"

" Chain" i grab the chain i bought him 2 months ago, yes i've known him an dray for a while, den put it on his neck. "Alright now lets go see if daddy ready"

40 mins later....

" Tae where are you taking us" dray ask as i hold his hand, carry dooda, and lead them into the building. Nobody told dray what's going on so both of them have blindfolds on.

" To the surprise i have, put your arm out and push" he does what i said and we walk into the building. I put dooda down and he tries to run but i grab his arm. " Stay still"

Mazi walks over to help me with the blindfolds while jay go over to the lights. We take the blindfolds off and jay turns on the lights.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYDEN!" everybody shouts

" Dis for me?" kayden ask

" Yes dooda" i tell him and he hugs me. Im finna cry. I hug him back and when i let go, he runs off to go play. I look at dray and he's stuck. Our friends walk over and ceej an mari shake him.

" You good my nigga?" mari ask

" Who's idea was this?" dray ask

" It was mari idea to surprise yall but tae came up with everything. I mean the theme, what ta have, what food ta get, who to invite, everything" jay tells him. I almost broke my neck from how fast this nigga picked me up and kissed me.

" Awww" mazi says and i put up my finger while kissing back. " Rude"

" Aight dats enough" i get down. " Do you like it?"

" You betta cause we spent racks on this shit" mari says

" I love it and dooda definitely loves it" dray tells us.

" It's 2 bounce houses out back but fr though, thank this mf cause he bought mostly everything" ceej points to me and den dey walk away. Dray hugs me and i wipe his tears.

" Why you cryin?" i ask

" Cause ain't nobody did dis b4. He ain't never had no birthday like dis and neither did i when " dray tells me

" Oh trust me, for your birthday, im goin all out even if ian yours" i tell him

" Nah, you is"

" Ask the right way" he chuckles

" Johntae allen, will yo sexy ass be mines?" i nod while smiling

" Finally!" i hear mazi say.

10 mins later....

" So we all really dating homeboys" mazi says

" And they either got a child or one on the way" i say

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