chapter 8:💚🧡 only the moon can calm down the Sun's anger

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There's always legends about the
Sun's temper .

The say it would always lead to one's misery if the sun would be angered

They it would only bring carnage

They said it would only bring death to the ones that angered him

They said he's fire would burn more hotter than the fires of hell

They said his fire would consume everything in it's sight including inferno itself

They said his fire represents his emotions including his anger and bloodlust when invoked

They said it would bleed through his eyes as they would turn red like his fires

Even the heavenly oceans water's would never douse half of his flames of bloodlust and anger .

And therefore anyone who knew

And what he was

And is capable of

knew what a monster he could be

And is

Never dared to anger him because they had loved their lives

And if one had dared to anger him would, be only a fool wishing for a painful death

Because even the heavenly oceans water's would never douse a fraction of his flames of bloodlust

And therefore no one dared to anger him and if one tried to would only be a fool

And that is why all the stars hide when the sun is resting on sky's palace

Because they know and witnessed what a monster the sun could be

And because only the moon can calm down the monster once awakened

They hide behind him because he never feared the Sun

And that it is why one would sometimes see the moon on the sky while the sun was bright

the moon never feared him because it knew he could only calm it down

And thus why the stars hide behind the moon

Because only the moon can calm down the Sun's anger

k͜͡a͜͡t͜͡s͜͡u͜͡k͜͡i͜͡'s͜͡ p͜͡o͜͡v͜͡ :

My heart caught in my throat as i looked in panic as i watch deku glare at the fucker who was his father , well not his father, he doesn't deserve that tittle, more like his sperm donor. Yeah ... sperm donor

Hizashi:" hello my dear son , Izuku it has been while hasn't it?".
The man said as he made a disgustingly sweet smile but i could see and hear is the venom hidden in it .

Izuku : "what are doing here, Mr Midoriya ."
Izuku said with a blank face but ofcorse you could see he wasn't so happy.

Hizashi :" now ,now, now, dear Izuku that's not how you talk to your elders , especially you're father. "
Hizashi said as he chuckled as if a parent scolding their child for stealing cookies from a jar.

Izuku: "cut the crap ,what do you actually want ?, Hizashi Midoriya."
Izuku said monotonously .

Hizashi: "i came here to see my wife isn't that obvious?."
The man said smiling , and my eyes widened ,

no way that fucker is getting near Auntie , I'll make sure of that and even if tries , he'll die trying, because no way Deku is gonna let him anywhere near Auntie .

Izuku: "correction ,Ex-wife ,Mr Midoriya and no way in hell, I'm letting you near my mother"
Izuku said as his voice dropped a several octaves

Hizashi:" i see..." your still stubborn as you used to be, you don't seem to understand, when i say i came here to see my wife and i will not leave until i have seen her."
The man said as he let out a chuckle as if he was amused with what his seeing

Izuku: "And i see your still a deadbeat of husband and father who does not even know the meaning of the word divorce ,honestly Hizashi Midoriya have you no shame at all ?,threatening a child "
Izuku said as he looked at the man as smile of his own appeared

Hizashi:" Tsk ... such rude behavior tell me Izuku is this what you learned,? while i was away, i see you need some discipline ."
The man said as a frown started to adorn he's face

Izuku: "oh!, my bad .... i didn't know you cared about how i behave, tsk tsk tsk... honestly, i thought you wanted this of me to toughen up, to be a tyrant , honestly ,why don't you make up your mind dear father. "
Izuku said with a fake sweet voice that dipped lowly as he spoke

Hizashi: "Izuku."
The man said as if he was warning Izuku.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit fucking hell i should stop them before they fucking kill each other

Izuku: "Ha- i forgot, every decision you make is a fucking disaster , honestly is quite laughable ."
Izuku said as he's smile widened as he's eyes practically glowed with malice, his lips still in a sweet smile

Hizashi: Izuku
The black haired men warned again as he's light blue eyes glared at boy who was glaring back .

: "Deku..."
I said softly trying to get he's attention , it didn't work so i tried again

I said a little bit more louder , damn i probably sounded weak,

but damn that ,i need deku to snap out of it before he does shit that he probably will regret

I heard a a familiar soft voice that was filled with worry

I turned to the direction where the voice originated from, and there was Aunty Inko.

But deku was still throwing insults and cusses at his father(sperm donor) , he didn't even spare a glance at anyone other than Hizashi , and well damn he looked like he was about to kill the Bitch

: "Izuku...."
I said softly maybe he could fucking turn and look at me , And thank Fucking kami because he did

I grabbed his hand and looked at him in the eyes , he looked back at me his eyes despite being dark were glowing in what i Fucking assume was anger.

:"Please, not fucking here,not infront of auntie, calm the fuck down for me"
I said softly trying to get him to calm down

He closed his eyes then let out a shacky breath, he looked at me once again and squeezed my hand as he's eyes softened.

"Hah ,look at that someone finally fucking tamed you"

And at that deku fucking growled at the fucker as he turned to look at him
Sorry for not updating for a while .but as i said slow updates

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