The Temptress

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(Part One)

"And that, gentlemen--" Eddie turns to you and makes an exaggerated bow.

"M'lady," he says. "--is why you don't. Fuck. With. Dragons."

Munson backhands your miniature knight off the table as Gareth and Wheeler both groan. 

You bite the inside of your cheek in frustration.

"Fine," you say with a clipped tone. "I didn't want to be a male knight anyway." You turn your glare onto Munson's chocolate brown eyes, twinkling with mischief. 

"I want to make my own character."

"Fine," Munson says, his smile seeming more like a leer. You've realized while playing that "freak" is an accurate descriptor for him--control freak, that is. No wonder he's the Dungeon Master. You don't fuck with the Dungeon Master unless you want to be punished. 

Dead knight aside, being punished by his hands wouldn't be so bad, you find yourself thinking, then immediately flush and squirm in your seat. You cross your legs and squeeze your thighs tight, trying to distract yourself from the heat puddling in your groin. 

God, what is wrong with me? you think. He probably doesn't even think of me this way. 

And yet he hasn't stopped staring at you with that glimmer is his gaze. What is it, curiosity? Attraction? Amusement? During this session, you've felt an awful lot like his toy. Then again, he is the game's puppet master, with the tattoo to boot. 

Your hand grazes aimlessly over your hip where your own tattoo is hidden. 

"Boys, head on out without me. Y/n and I have a little business to take care of."

The rest of the club scrape back their chairs and start gathering up their things. They exchange farewells with you and Munson. Jeff holds out a hand and he and Munson do a complicated handshake that speaks to years of friendship. You feel a stab of envy, wondering what it's like to be close to someone like that. 

Once the room has emptied, you reposition yourself next to Munson and his throne. He pulls out the stack of papers he'd loaned you the day before. 

"So, new girl," he says, flipping through the pages until he finds the one he wants. He looks at you with his chin rested in his hand. "Who do you want to be?"

You pull out the character sheet he'd given you at the start, freshly erased of the dead knight's stats. You've already filled in your new character's name. You turn the sheet toward him and push it across the table. 

He takes it up, reads the words you've inscribed. His eyes flick upward and meet yours over the top edge of the paper. 

"The Temptress," he reads, then lowers the page back to the table with a grin. He picks up a strand of his long hair and threads it between his lips, considering. "Oh, I think we can make that work."


Eddie leans over you from behind as you finish writing out the last bit of information for your character. Your shoulder is pressed ever so slightly into his side as he rests one arm on the table, one arm on the back of your chair. You can feel him pressing on the back of it, so close to touching you. A shiver of excitement runs through you, and he glances down through thick, dark lashes. 

"You okay?" he asks. 

"Fine, just a little chilly," you lie, and mess with your hair to try to hide the blush in your cheeks. 

His eyes rove over the page and he taps the table with his knuckles. 

"Looks good, new girl." He pushes off your chair and walks over to wear his metal lunchbox sits on the floor by his throne. He swoops down to pick it up, then spins around flamboyantly to grin at you. "The Temptress is ready to make her first appearance."

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