chapter 10

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" AITA for telling my wife I shouldn't be poor each month while she still has a ton of money? "

" I (35M ) and my wife (36 F) have been married for 3 years. I have 2 children from my first marriage ( 17 M and 13 F). I have 50/50 custody for my kids , she has full custody for her kids and their Dad is way behind on child support so she provides all their financial support. "

" I want to preface this by saying my wife and I keep our finances separate. My wife makes more than double thank i do . She gets 50$/hr and I get 22$/hr . It's always been like that. We agreed when we moved in together we would split the bills equitably based on our incomes . She ended up covering all the household expenses. Mortgage, utilities, cable, internet, food etc... I would cover one week worth of Groceries and my car payment, car and motorcycle insurance, gas, cell phone , capes etc... This all changed when I wrecked my car earlier this year. I went shopping with my wife and ready wanted an SUV. My wife made me look at cars too because they're a lot cheaper but I had my mind set. When we sat down to finance it they told me my payment would be about $850 a month for an SUV vs about $380 a month for the car. I decided on the SUV and my wife seemed pissed.

Anyway, my insurance readjusted after the accident and with my car payment and other expenses I can barley have a $100 in expandable income each month. My wife has fun money and still throws and still thrws a lot into savings and projects around the house "

( ok I'm gonna stop u right there, what she does with her money is absolutely NOT ur business u can barley make any money so shut up)

"I was speaking about being frustrated about this with my sister and she mentioned that a sign of financial abuse is limiting access to household money. So I approached my wife and said I wanted to combine our accounts. That I shouldn't live like a pauper while she has money to throw around"

( when did she throw her money around? U litterly told us she was saving and working on projects. She's working her ass off to make good income she can do whatever the hell she wants
U know u sound really jealous so yea definitely the Asshole and a big one)

" and she told me that it was my own decisionsrhat led me to not have a lot of disposal income and that if we wanted to discuss a budget for fun money for each of us we could. I got really upset and told her it isn't loving me right for her to have so much left while I barely have two pennies to rub together. Things got heated and I am staying at my sisters for the weekend. I don't think wanting things to be even is so wrong, but my wife is kind of right "

Kind of?! Really?

"my wife is kind of right that if I got a cheaper car I would have more money. So AITA? "

You dare ask? Yes, you are. You are a jealous jerk if you want to make more money find a better job, she has more money not because she's lucky or because she's stealing from you or whatever you think she also has a good job maybe you should leave ur job and join her then you'll make enough money and stop being jealous.

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