Chapter 5

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Am I wrong for turning down a family vacation Because I would have to pay and my sister wouldn't?

Source : Reddit

" my (28F) parents are organizing a family holiday abroad and have approached me stating that they will be paying for my sister's (30F)holiday but not mine. This is because, to them I can afford it and she cannot, and that is the only way we would all be able to go in vacation together ( they couldn't pay for both of us). That's thier money and they can do as they wish with it, and that I am in a good spot financially right now and my sister isn't, if I ever find myself in a bad spot, they will help me out."

"But to me, it's not that simple. I am more financially stable than my sister because I have chosen to live in a cheaper area (despite being further from my friends), followed a career path where financial security is guaranteed, and always live well within my means. Whereas, my sister has followed a career path which is (unfairly, i admit) underpaid, insisted on living close to her friends despite the high rent and likes to spend more money on her lifestyle."

[she's just living her life, like that's their money they can do as they wish and u ruined everything bcoz maybe u were jealous from ur sis like she couldn't pay and obviously the parents wanted a family time together with their 2 daughters so why ruin everything? Like, you're not being reasonable, u want her to be live like u in a cheaper area with no friends and an UNDERPAID job?]

"My parents think the crux of it is that I am lucky that my passion lines up with well paid job, and my sister is unlucky that her passion doesn't, so my sister deserves more help due tot hat bad luck

[u know what? U r making ur parents sound like monsters I mean they said that they will do the same think if u ever need help also put ur self in a ur sister's shoes how would she feel if she heard u talking like that? Like imagine going to a family vacation without her bczo she couldn't pay when ur parents could've helped her]

"They also think that I am lucky to have a partner that I could move away to a cheaper area with, and my sister ( who doesn't currently have a serious partner) in unlucky in that respect, so it would be a greater deal to move away from her friends and therefore again unlucky. Again, they insist if the tables turn and our fortunes are reversed, they would help me out"

[so it's okay you get help when needed but it's not okay for ur sister to get help when she needs one. She IS unlucky to have a sister like u]

"AITA for refusing this holiday and choosing one with my friends, at the same time instead? If the money thing wasn't there, I would probably have chosen the family holiday."

[Wow! Thanos was right]

"But I just feel like my frugal decisions are now being punished and this is unfair. I'm not angling for my parents to pay for me too"

[yeah it is what u r doing]

"And I also feel bad kind of suggesting ( indirectly) my sister pays for hers, but I still feel really hard done by that and that my sister is being coddled and the fact that she spends quit a lot on a day basis ( much more than me) is being rewarded."

" my parents and sister think I am being a money hungry and very compassionate to my sister's unlucky love life and under_paid profession. This is stopping us from going on a vacation all four of us, which is upseting my parents.".

[ u seem like the type of person who is always complaining about everything. Nothing is stopping them from enjoying thier time except you. It's like u want ur parents to be like 'oh hey our other daughter we decided to leave u here at home bcoz u can't afford going with us so u have to stay but who cares right? Ur other sis is happy so u should be happy and understanding too' it's not a big deal get over it plus Idk why but I think u understood ur parents in the wrong way like I have feeling they didn't exactly said what u told us but they also didn't force u on going so u could simply not go]

I think I was kinda mean. What do you guys think? Lemme know in the comments also if you have any jucy stories DM me. Please vote

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