
"For two weeks now, I've gotten nothing but hate messages from people I've never met. I've been harassed at school. I even got kicked off the stupid cheer squad because of it! Why would you do this to me?! None of it is true! I didn't cheat on anyone! I don't know why you would say all these bad things..." My voice becomes louder and filled with emotion.

"Oh, stop with the princess act. The truth is out, and if the shoe fits..." Chris shrugs while sitting up, gesturing to his boys to go. They all walk past me without a care in the world and head toward the end of the hallway.

I run up behind Chris and smack him upside the head. He turns around with the scariest expression I've ever seen from him. I didn't think before I did it, so I am just as shocked as he probably is.

"Aye, you want a problem?" He asks with a mean mug.

My eyes start tearing up as I slowly take a step back. 

"Just... why? I thought you cared about me?"

Chris chuckles before glaring at me. "Yeah... guess we both made a mistake, huh? Trusting that you would be any different than these other girls. But now I know better. And you should know, too. If you even think about graduating this year... you better stay outta my sight. And that's on God..."

Him and his gang walk away, with no other words. I stay frozen in place, my entire body shaking while tears leave my eyes. I watch the back of Chris's body as he disappears further down the hallway, eventually leaving me in darkness. I can't believe I had feelings for him.



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~Saturday, at the mall~

Today, Becca dragged me out to the mall to help her find a dress and some shoes for my mom's wedding. It's all she's been talking about since I told her. So we've been store hoppin' to find the best gown for my bestie. Mom and Antonio decided that the wedding colors would be violet and white... but that's only for the groomsmen and the bridesmaids. So we're looking for any other colored dress and maybe some accessories, too. Since I'll be one of the bridesmaids, I don't have to worry about a dress because it's picked out already. But I could definitely use some extra bling to make me pop.

"So, before I ask you about the wedding stuff, tell me about the birthday party! How was it?" Becca asks with much enthusiasm. I follow her around as she looks through several racks of dresses.

I feel my cheeks pull up in a smile. "It was good..."

"Ooh, girl! Look at your face! What happened? First of all, how was Jake's mom? Was she cool? Was her family cool? What did his house look like? Was the food good?" She asks five thousand questions at once.

"Yo, chill," I reply, peeping around the empty store and making eye contact with one of the employees near the back. That lady - she gotta be the manager - been watching us since we came in here. Guess she's not used to seeing teenagers in a high-priced dress shop at 9 o'clock in the morning.

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