"What? You just said you want to be seen as mature but on the other hand you feel like that after hearing that you could have intimate time in an office?" Luminous said and sighed

"Anyways, what should we do about it?" Chloe asked to change the topic

"Hmm.. that damn overgrown Lizard visited another World for those damn good sacred texts. Maybe we can persuade Rimuru to do the same, a holiday you could say" Luminous said

The cat who had listened to this jumped down the window towards the street. Then starting running towards a dark passage where no one could see her as she then suddenly changed her form into a childish human beauty.

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'Mhh I should inform the others' Ultima thought and walked towards their normal house where they gather even if the Demon God's not really understand each other that well as they are all fighting for Rimuru-sama's attention.

Entering a rather dark room Ultima's Golden eyes seemed to shine as she said "Everyone I overheard an interesting conversation"

"Huh? You brat did you use that damn cat form again. Why do have such annoying skill anyways... because of that Rimuru-sama pats you all the time" A new pair of eyes began to shine in the dark room this time blue ones as Carrera began to rant about Ultima

"We are only living together because Rimuru-sama ordered us to do so, please be at least silent here. You see I need my sleep to keep my beautiful appearance for Rimuru-sama" A pair of blood red eyes joined the conversation

"Kufufu Testarossa, stressed again aren't we? Let's hear first what Ultima has heard" A pair of golden/red pupils shined the strongest through the room. All of the Demon Gods were tensed up.

"Your not our Dad Diablo so stop talking like you were" Testarossa said a bit annoyed by him

"Ehem.. could I start now?" Ultima said and waited till all their eyes were pointed at her "Rimuru-sama will visit another Planet to have a holiday"

"Kufufu as his secretary I shall prepare for my leave then~" Diablo said happy

"Is that so hmpf- seems like your cat form was useful at least once" Carrera mentioned

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