Chapter 2: Who Is Black Cat

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This is the part of the move that crosses over with the other Marvel movies.

Ring ring ring

Spider Man tried calling his friend Miss Marvel (from the Disney plus show)They are friends because they are both teenager superheroes.  but she didn't answer the phone because she was in space.

"Ill try calling someone else" he said!

Ring ring ring

Spider Man called Captain falcon (I haven't seen that one but my friend told me the Falcon guy becomes the new Captain America after Captain America died.). Capitan Falcon was in the middle of doing pushups with no shirt on when Spider Man calls.

"Hi Spider Man what's up?" he said and he paused the pushiups he was doing. He called him Spider Man because no one remembers that Peter Park is Spider Man's real name.

"Hi Captain Falcon I just had a quick question. Do you know who Black Cat is?" said Peter.

"No is that your new friend?" said Captain.

"NO! She is a new supervillain! She is NOT my friend." says Peter.

"Sorry I don't have any infomation on her. But you should ask Doctor Strange because he is really smart."

"Ok bye!" He hung up and did more pushups.

Ring ring ring.

"Hi Spider Man" said Doctor Strange. Peter didn't want to call Doctor Strange because Doctor Strange didn't rememvber that Peter was Spider and it made him sad. 

"Oh hi" said Peter sadly.

"To what is this inquiry regarding?" said Doctor Strange because he is very formal.

"Do you know who Black Cat is"

"No sorry :("

"Ok that's okay sorry to bother you" Peter said an hung up embaressed. adn sad.


Then he tried calling the Hulk. (the hulk's real name is Bruce Barker)

Ring ring ring

"Hi Spider Man" said the Hulk. But right now he wasn't green, he was just the guy. I"m here with She Hulk right now .This will tie into the new show She Hulk.

"She Hulk? That's so sexist. Why isn't the man called He Hulk?" Peter thought. That makes him sad because it reminded him of Zendaya his ex girlfriend who is a feminist.

The Hulk and The She Hulk didn't know who Black Cat is either. Then Peter then called all the others Avengers and non of them knew!

"Looks like I'm going to have to figure this out on my own. "said Peter and he cried. He was soo sad. Then he remembered what Auny May said before she died.


"With great power comes great responsibility"

--end flashblack--

I have to have responisiblity and do this myself, said Peter and now he was ready to do it himself.


Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"


"Raven? What are you doing here?"

Peter opened the door and Raven was there. She had a Nirvana shirt (she doesn't like Fallout Boy anymore), black denim ripped jeans, converse, red leather jacket, and cool jewelery. Her hair was blond and pink. It was shorter then it used to be. Her lipstick was plum and her nails were light yellow. Her purse was Kate Spade purse. Her socks were purple polka dots. Her hair

"Raven? What are you doing here?"

"Hi Peter."

"What? How does she remember my name?"


Author's note. Sorry for the sad chapter but it was importent to the story. The next chapter will be less sad.

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