Chapter 5- Escaped Death

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Well before her plan went into action she needed some education. 

Oh right, The Plan.

The Plan is an operation Valerie put together to escape to somewhere far away as living as a pitiful servant isn't going to be her lifestyle. She lived in 2022 Rome, not 1369 Rome. Anyways The Plan is that late at night she will get out of her chambers and take some water, food, etc.

Then she will get her regular clothes on and grab any belongings of hers. Then it's escape time.

She wasn't gonna stay.

Not here

She changed into her ugly dress and put her hair back in a bun with a claw clip from her bag.

A few hours passed by and suddenly Eric busted in.

"You are up..?" he stopped

"Valerie" she replied 

"Right, Valerie you are up and-"

He took one look at her hair.

"What is on your hair..." he asked

"What...Oh, this?"

She pointed to her hair

"Yes, What is that? It looks so amazing and practical"

"It's a claw clip" 

"Claw clip... Whatever you're up"

She sighed and fixed up before trotting up the stairs. She eventually found her way and saw the prince sitting on his throne. She entered and his eyes looked her up and down.

He then said

"Valerie cooper or something like that."

"Copper," she said in an annoyed tone

"Right. Discarding that we, the palace have decided to execute you. You are not trustworthy enough and could betray us at any second." He heartlessly said.

"WHAT?! No..No but you promised!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry"

You could see in his eyes he was unbothered by this decision. He was rather happy to see blood spill


Before she could speak the guards brought her out and the prince followed. 

The prince suddenly rushed up to her and stopped them.

"Bring her back. I never said to take her right away. I am the prince here now follow my order."

The guards glanced at her and brought her back, but very roughly. 

Now just imagine how scared and terrified Valerie would be. The punishments here were insane and she knew that.

Most importantly, how is she going to come forward with the plan? Now she was panicking, like actually. 

As soon as they went inside the room they threw her on the ground. She looked up at the cruel prince, with a glare. She hated this person. He has a special place in her heart. The place of hate. She wished him the worst.

'What a bitch' she thought. How is this person soon to be king, huh? 

" We would like some privacy, all guards to leave the room now!"

'We? WE? This man is playing with fire.' she thought 

All guards left. Only her and him.

"Now Valerie, be honest. Where are you from?"

Glaring, she never answered.


"NO!" She shot back

"You're never going to be a king. In history you will never be a king. You will be a heartless man, who WILL NOT EVEN SPARE A 18 YEAR OLD?" She yelled. 

'Shit' she thought. 

Why did she say that? Now she will be tortured and be put to death when she pleads for it.

She imagined her screams. Why did she do that...

"...I've never been spoken to that way. You have some bravery Valerie"

He smiled and looked at her with the eyes of someone in love. She broke eye contact. She busted through the doors right that second.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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