Chapter 4- (smart) Servant

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"Right, here are your clothes. Also, my name is Eric and I'm the head here. So do NOT disrespect me. Clear?"

"Very" she replied

He turned around. Didn't even glance at her and said "Follow me to your cellar"


She hadn't known what she had gotten herself into just yet.

"Alright here it is, make yourself at home. Oh and also, here's some advice don't get close to the prince."

"May I ask why?" she curiously asked 

Not like she was anyways. She wanted to leave as soon as possible but she can only escape through the rain and that was going to be hard. Why? Well because...


"So this is the medieval period?!"  Valerie exclaimed

"Whatever you call it, but yes it's currently 1369"  the price replied

Now Valerie regretted not going to the exam. She would've rather failed her exams than live in the medieval period.

"You see the last time we had rain was about well..a year ago and 6, 7 months."

"OMG! 1 whole year!" she yelled.

*Back to the present*

Yep. They had lasted 1 year with drought and millions were dying because of it. That's why it was hard. The only passage back to the future was rain and they had now a year without rain. Now Valerie started panicking but tried her best to not show it.

"Well because he's very cruel-hearted. You were very lucky back then. He would've instantly executed you but I guess he saw something different, don't push your luck. I'm warning you."

"Got that.."

What? He would've but didn't kill her. Now she was confused. What did he see in her? She's just a smart ugly senior (well that's what she thinks of herself really).

'Alright then' she thought 

If she wasn't able to go back to 2022 then she would go live somewhere else in 1369. Somewhere far away from the palace walls. She would join a tribe perhaps. So they couldn't find her. But first, she needed some education. As much as she hates it, it's essential after all and could help her with her plan.

Eric had long gone but she could use some information from him. He wasn't trustworthy just yet but a little asking won't hurt, right?

She looked at the clothes with disgust.

'Ew' she thought 

In 2022 nobody wears long dresses with an apron

With no other choice, she put on the dress and sighed. But she came up with a master plan...

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