Chapter 1-Valerie Copper

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Valerie Copper was a normal high school girl who loved to daydream, especially in class, she had beautiful dark, wavy hair and a smile as powerful as her soul. She went to an all-girls school, Bueldale Academy. Though she wasn't very popular and was always adoring others. She wasn't very smart either. She is talking to her friend, at a gas station the day before the exam that will change her life.
"You don't get it! Why does my life depend on one stupid paper?!
"I don't know Valerie, you should've been paying attention! anyways, gotta go. My dad is here to pick me up"
"Okay, bye then.."
And with that, the friend scurried off. Valerie was left alone waiting for her mom until a ringtone came from her phone. It was her mom, Valerie picked it up and the following was said,
"Hi dear, would you mind walking? My car broke down again"
"Again! Whatever fine I'm on my way"
She trotted her way back home in the cold.
A Few hours later,
She came home just to memorize the day she had been dreading is tomorrow
The day of her exams.
"Dang it, I haven't even studied yet!"
"Honey, go study then!"
Her mom cried.
'As if I would her brain muttered
She fell asleep on the sofa.
As morning arrived,
She realized the worst!
She was late.
She hurried as her mom put some snacks in her bag.
"Mom I don't want them.
"But dear-"
And with that, she ran off.
As the rain poured, she hadn't made it and the exams would've started by then. She realized she was too late and it had already started. She was drenched and had no hope left in her. She sat down on a bench nearby and thought

Well, I guess it's best to go home and tell my mom... 

why was I born like this..?

As she started on her way back she remembered her special ability. She could teleport through rain puddles!

Please..take me far away from this place she thought

She entered a kid's park and walked around

She wandered through the park and found a puddle.

Without any regret, she jumped in...

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