So, their solution was to ship me off to a boarding school. I did not complain much. At least I won’t be alone all the time. And the school was really nice. It was on an island in the middle of a big forest. It looked like Hogwarts, and I’ve always loved Harry Potter. Also, this school will look great on college applications. But again, my mom and my stepfather didn’t do it for me. I knew they would rather leave me at home or send me to some school that still uses physical punishment, but it would look bad in front of their friends and business partners. So, I get the best. Not for me, but for their image.

I cleared my throat, realizing I should probably answer Hazel’s question.

“They had to move to Europe for work.” I said, deciding to tell some of the truth. “They couldn’t take me with them, and they didn’t want me to be alone at home. Also, this school looks great on college applications, and my mom wanted to give me the best.”

“That’s nice.” Hazel smiled. “Where in Europe are they?”

I don’t know. They never told me. I don’t even have their numbers. I’m alone.

“Germany.” I said the first country I could think of.

“That’s nice.” Hazel smiled again as she looked down on my admission papers.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at me again. “Your last name is Richardson?”

“Yes.” I nodded, confused. “Why?”

“You have the same last name as one of the school’s most popular boys.” she said, looking back at the papers again.

My heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be…

Richardson is a common last name.

“What is his name?” I asked, trying to ignore the lump in my throat and the erratic beating of my heart.

“Mason.” she said and looked up at me.

I almost fainted.

Hazel jumped up and ran to me, grabbing me by my shoulders.

“Emma?” she called me. “Oh, God, are you okay?!”

“I’m fine.” I managed to mumble, sitting down on my bed.

Shit. Oh, shit. It’s him.

He hates me. He doesn’t want to see me. He will be so angry that I’m here.

My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would jump out of my body. My palms were sweating, and the lump in my throat made it impossibly hard for me to breathe.

Suddenly, I didn’t care if this place looked like Hogwarts. I didn’t mind being alone at home. I wanted to leave.

“Emma?” Hazel said, crouching in front of me. “What’s wrong? Do you know Mason?”

Should I tell her? I should. She seems like a nice person. She is my roommate. I won’t be able to hide it from her. Maybe she could help me avoid him, if that would even be possible.

“I do.” I nodded, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans. “He is my brother.”

Her eyes widened comically. I almost laughed.

“Brother?” she repeated. “How? What?”

“Our parents divorced when we were 9 years old.” I said, my voice trembling. “My mom got custody of me, and Mason stayed with our dad.”

Talking about it made my heart break all over again. I missed Mason. He was my twin, my other half. I still remember how hard we cried when the day came, and I had to move away from him. I still remember how tight we held on to each other.  We promised to talk, and we promised to visit. But he never responded to my messages or my calls. I’ve even tried sending him letters, but I’ve never gotten anything back. So, I came to the only conclusion I could. He hates me, and he doesn’t want anything to do with me.

“Why are you so scared?” Hazel asked softly.

“We haven’t talked ever since I moved away with my mom.” I gulped, looking down at my lap. “I’ve tried, but he never responded. I don’t think he would want me to be here. He will be angry when he sees me.”

“Well, tough.” Hazel said, frowning. “You are here, and you are not leaving. He will have to deal with it, Emma.”

I looked up at her and gave her a small smile. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” she smiled and took my hand in hers, pulling me up. “Now, come on, I’ll help you unpack, and we are going to go to the dining hall to get something to eat.”

“Can you help me avoid him, though?” I sighed. “I’m not really ready to see him yet.”

“I got your back, girl.” she said, smiling and grabbing a handful of my clothes.

Forest LakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ