Once they reached the classroom, Dick looked at the broad and then immediately saw the problem. The whole formula was wrong. Even the principle saw that it was wrong, things were starting to make sense. "Timothy, may we see your formula?" The principle asked, still looking at the board trying to make sense of what the teacher has written. Tim just nodded and handed his paper over to the principle, so that she and Dick could analysis it.

Tim was correct. The arrogant man was wrong. The teacher just disregarded Newton's law and in the second equation, he completely disregarded Murphy's law. Further more, why is he teaching Murphy's law. The least he could do is to teach it right.

Dick looked like he wanted to say something to the teacher, but no words could come out. So he settled on looking at the teacher as if his dumb, because he is, and the stupid teacher had the gal to look prideful as if he was correct.

The principle looked to be in the same predicament an the eldest Grayson. She quickly came to her senses and addressed the teacher. "Mr Johnson, Timothy is correct. You on the other had just messed up this whole equation. I will take over your classes until further notices. The board will hear about this. Timothy, next semester, I would like to move you up a class for this subject. You are far to advanced to be in this class, but you are still suspended for three days. As much as you were right, he was your teacher, and you could have seriously hurt him. Do you agree to these terms Mr Grayson?" The principle asked as she turned to face Dick.

"Reasonable, right Tim." Dick said giving a pointed stare at his kid, daring him to complain. Tim just nodded reluctantly.

"Your siblings will bring you work that you missed, as it is very close to finals." With a nod Dick and Tim walked out the classroom, not before waving at Duke, who by the way, looked like he wanted to melt right on the spot. This was just embarrassing. He gave a small wave as his tati and brother left the classroom.

As soon as they were in the car, Dick broke into laughter, and shortly after Tim followed. Oh what a day.

"You do know that I'm going to have to tell Alfred right?" Dick said in between breaths. Tim all but froze at that.

"Please don't." Tim all but begged

" Too late. I already sent the recording." Dammit Dick.


"I believe meditation time is over, young ones." A familiar voice said from the entrance of the room they were meditating in. There in all her glory, the princess of Themyscria stood her native home garments.

"Princess. Good to see you again." Jason said as he walked over with the rest.

"It is good to see you as well Jason, all of you." Diana had just finished her training and had only returned to the palace. "I was told to come and retrieve you for for supper. So shall we go?"

"Yes lets. How is everything in the world of man?" Jason asked as they all made their way to the dinning hall.

"You can be direct about your question Jason. I won't judge."

"How did the protectors of earth react after we made our oh so dramatic exist?"

"Jason, I'm practically your aunt. I raised you guys for a full six months, I can read you like an open book." Jason just looked down, a little ashamed. He knew he couldn't get anything passed her. Especially emotions.

"How did he react?" He practically mumbled out the question.

Diana just looked at her nephew with sadness. How do you tell him that his own father, was just going to use him for information before shipping him and his siblings back to an abusive home.

"He only wanted information. He was gonna send you back to Talia. I'm sorry truly."

"Don't worry, it's not like he ever cared. I mean he did leave us five years ago, so why cry now." He said as he walked passed the princess, while Diana just watched as he walked ahead.

"Give him time. I'll go catch up with him to make sure his okay." Nino said as he jogged after his cousin.

"hal satukhbiruni ywman ma hadath qabl khams sanawat ya 'ukhta?" Damian asked in a small voice as he watched his brother leave. Concern and curiosity oozing off him. At his question Marinette froze, but she knew it was time to come clean with her younger brother.

"Tell you what. When supper is over, we'll go on a walk. I'll tell you everything then. Is that okay with you?" Damian just nodded, and with that everyone made their way to the dinning hall.


"Bloody hell Timothy and stop laughing Richard." At that Dick stopped laughing but he still looked like he was gonna pass out from lack of oxygen. "I leave you alone for two weeks and you go and attack your teacher. Yes he was wrong, but I taught you better than that. Your fists won't solve everything. Repeat after me Timothy, 'my fists won't solve everything'. Say it."

With a reluctant sigh Tim repeated the words.

"Good now I have to go. Stay safe, eat healthy, no fighting, and I will see you all in a few months. Goodnight young sirs." and with that he ended the call.

Suddenly there was a crash, a few crashes to be exact. When Tim turned around, he saw his tati and siblings on the floor dying of laughter.

"Oh put a sock in it." That just seemed to make them laugh harder. Tim let out a frustrated sigh and flopped onto the carpet waiting for his family to finish laughing at his misery.

"Sorry bud. Really am, but it seems that you are coming to work with me for the next three days. Now all off you go wash your hands and help me set the table so we can eat."

The four all went to the bathroom and you could still hear laughter and grumbling from down the hall. Dick just sighed. A sigh of content. Oh how he loved his family, his kids. Yeah his kids. It has a nice ring to it. His funny, amazing, lovable, crazy kids, that he swears to protect. Those same kids he has stop from wetting the whole house because of the water fight that has just broke out.

"You guys better clean that bathroom before I get there! You have five minutes!" Yeah those kids that are rushing to hid the evidence of the mess that they created. He loves his kids.


"So where do we start?"

"We start five years ago, on 1st July 2017."


1799 words


hal satukhbiruni ywman ma hadath qabl khams sanawat ya 'ukhta? - Will you ever tell me what happened five years ago sister? (Arabic)


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